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"Nice hair." Harry laughed from across the bus with Bo sitting on his lap.

"Nice boner." I snapped back.

Harry's cheeks tinged with pink.

"I don't have a boner!"

I just rolled my eyes.

Niall came back with my breakfast and sat next to me.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?" Liam asked.

"Ready for what?" I stuffed my face with my food.

"We have an interview!" Zayn said as if I should have known.

"What?!" I jumped from under Niall's arm.


"We have to leave in 10 minutes." Louis checked the time.


I ran to the small bathroom.

I didn't have time to do much so I just pulled my hair into a messy bun.

I rummaged through my suitcase until I found something somewhat presentable.

"5 minutes, babe!" Niall called out to me.

I settled on jean shorts, a white Guy Harvey shirt, and gray Keds.

I ran back to the bathroom and applied the little make up I could, just mascara.

"Time to go!" Liam popped his head into the room.

I followed the boys into a small car as we drove off to the interview.

We arrived a little early.

"Hi." a lady, who I assume was the interviewer approached us, "I'm Kate."

She shook all of our hands.

"I'm a huge fan of you guys." She smiled.

"But I have a soft spot for Niall." She winked to my man.

I took a step closer to her, squeezing Niall's hand.

"I'm Sarah. Niall's girlfriend." I snapped.

She gave me a fake smile and then walked away.


The interview was just about over.

"Now lets welcome Sarah and Bo!" Kate announced.

"Wait, what?!" I turned to Bo.

"I didn't know we were going on!" I whispered to Bo who was pulling me on stage.

Bo took the seat next to Harry. There wasn't any more seats so I just stood next to Niall.

"Sorry I look like a mess. The boys didn't tell me I would be part of the interview."

Two arms pulled me down onto Niall's lap.

"You look beautiful." Niall kissed my cheek, making me blush.

"Ok." Kate started right away, "first question. Besides your boyfriends, who are you girls closest to in the band?"

"Harry!" I quickly answered.

"Probably Lou." Bo calmly answered.

"What's it like being on tour with the boys?" Kate asked.

"It's really fun!" Bo answered.

"Absolutely incredible!" I told Kate.

"Care to elaborate?"

"Like, I never thought I would be able to experience something like this. And getting to do it with all my best friends just makes it so much better."

"Last question. What are the boys to you?"

"My best friends." Bo told Kate.

"And what about you Sarah?"

"Both the boys and Bo are my best friends, but they're so much more than that... They're my family. And I love them."

"We love you too Sarah!" Zayn shouted out.

"Well that's all we have time for! Toon in next time! I'm Kate, thanks for watching!" Kate stood from her seat

"And we're clear." I heard someone call from backstage.

I stood from Niall's lap, he and all the boys headed for the food with Bo.

"Thanks for having us." I spoke to Kate.

"It's not like I had a choice." She huffed.

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I mean I didn't mind having the boys but I didn't know who the hell you were until today."

I just stood there stunned.

"But don't worry you'll be back to being a nobody soon." Kate added.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Oh come on, Niall's clearly getting bored with you! Like really? His girlfriend?"

"I am his girlfriend!!"

"It's all fake. Its obviously just for the fame. He's gunna break it off honey. Tell him to give me a call when he does."

"Listen hear, bitch!" I snapped "Niall is not eating bored with me! I started dating him before One Direction! And our relationship is completely real unlike you!"

"Are you calling me fake?"

"Well based on your colored contacts, obvious nose job, fake boobs, fake smile and fake personality... your basically plastic."

"News flash, you're not perfect either!"

"Never said I was. But at least my face wasn't surgically built to look like a Barbie doll that someone stepped on!"

"Please, you wish you looked like me!"

"Maybe for Halloween!"

Her mouth hung open.

"Well I'm gunna go back to Niall... Niall Horan... my boyfriend."

I turned on my heals and walked back to my beloved boo.

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