Chapter 13

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It's been three weeks. Sarah and josh were still going strong. Seeing them together enraged me! Behind his outer appearance there was a sick, twisted demon. He was evil, manipulating, and a user. Sarah couldn't see past his act, but I could. I wish I could tell her but she was still upset with me. Not as upset but we still rarely talked. It killed me to have her ignore me. I needed her in my life. I need to talk to her and not just for a few minutes. I need to hear her voice for hours on end. From day to night. I needed to feel the butterflies she gave me the first time I looked into her eyes. It was the night before her date with Josh. I had fallen on top of her. I rested hovering over her, and that's when it happened. It was the first time I had looked into her gorgeous, bright blue eyes. It was at that moment I felt the butterflies. It was at that moment that I knew she was special. She was he reason I forgot about my broken past.

Thinking about this made me realize it wasn't right. This wasn't right. Sarah and josh weren't right. And I had to make it right.


It was finally the weekend. I had to make things right with me and Sarah. I had to.

My phone began to ring. I jumped as I heard the special ringtone that Sarah had set on my phone.

"Hello?!" I hastily answered.

"Is Niall your boyfiend?" I heard deep voice shout from the other end, clearly not talking to me.

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I heard Sarah plead from phone.

"SARAH!" I yelled back. If she could even hear me.

"NIALL HELP ME! HELP!!" I heard her shout back before the line went dead.

I quickly went to the find my iPhone app and typed in Sarah's number. It was quickly located. I ran to my garage and hopped onto my motorcycle, speeding down the road to Sarah.

As I reached a dark street I lost signal to Sarahs phone. With not many options I yelled as loud as I could


I waited for her voice to yell my name or yell anything. I waited for anything, any sign of her. I just needed to find her.

"NIALLLLL!!!!!" I quickly zoomed to her voice.

I reached a dark ally where I saw two guys holding Sarah up to the brick wall to the old building.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" I growled down to the two guys violating my Sarah.

"Or what?" One of them asked.

"Or I'll report both of you for rape!"

With that Sarah was dropped from the mans grip and the two ran for their life.

Sarah was in tears as she ran into my arms, wrapping hers around my neck. Crumpling down to the ground.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I asked guiding her eyes to mine.

"N-no." She stuttered threw the tears running down her face. "Niall I was so scared." She buried her face into my chest breaking down in tears again.

"It's ok." I whispered into her ear. "I'll never let anyone hurt you... As long as I'm around you're safe."

"Thank you Niall." I could hear the tears slowdown. This was right. Everything about us was right right now. This is where she belonged, in my arms, with me. This was right.

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