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I had slept at Sarah's house. I found myself falling asleep in her bed a lot.

The small figure that fell asleep in my arms the night before was missing. My hands felt around the bed, she was gone. I sat up in the empty bed. I reached over to my phone to see a text from Sarah.

'Meet me at the barn! Sarah.Xx'

I jumped out the window, worried about being caught by Sarah's mum. I walked into my own house. Before I could make it up the stairs Greg called me over to the couch.

"Where have you been?!" Greg asked.

"With Sarah."

"Oh Yeahhhh." He held the last note. "She your girlfriend now?"

"Yeah." I couldn't help but smile.

"Aww little Niall's got a girl!" Greg teased and pulled me in to nugie.

"Stop!" I shouted pulling my head free from his strong hold.

"I'm sorry. But really, I'm happy for you." He smiled to me.

"Thanks." I shared a smile back.

"It's good to see you this happy... It's been awhile."

"I know..."

He was right. Ever since my last break up I was really down. But now, thanks to Sarah, I smile every single day.

"Well I gotta go meet Sarah." I jumped up from the soft couch.

"Fine! Go! Go to her! Go to her Niall!" I laughed at Greg's words before walking up to my room to change into clean cloths.

Once I was changed, I headed out the door and to the barn. When I got there I was absolutely amazed!

In the normally empty field I saw Sarah driving the old tractor. She actually fixed it. I stood in shock with my mouth hung open.

Sarah drove the tractor closer to me. The engine stopped when Sarah removed the key and hopped down to the ground. Her face was brought dangerously close to mine.

"You owe me dinner." She poked at my chest before pecking at my lips.

"Come on. There's something else I want to show you." Sarah grabbed my hand and brought me over to the old white pick up truck in the middle of the field. It had been cleaned, inside and out, it looked bran new! I assumed it didn't work.

Sarah continued to prove me wrong.

She jumped into the drivers seat and started the engine. I just looked at her, stunned.

"Get in!" Sarah patted to the passenger seat. I walked over to the other side and climbed in next to her.


My foot pressed down on the gas pedal and the truck began to move for the first time in 10 years. I pulled out of the dusty path to the barn, driving down the empty road.

There were no houses, stores, building or anything. It was just the barn for at least two miles out. But that's what I loved about it! It was so quiet and peaceful. And it was private.

"Where are we going?" Niall asked.

"To get supplies. We're gunna start rebuilding today."

I turned the car into a parking lot, parking in the closest spot I could find.

Inside the store, Niall and I bought nails, paint, wood, and every thing else we needed to fix up the old place.

When we got back to the barn, everything was replaced.

The stall doors were taken out and replaced by new wood. The window frames were put back into one piece, rather than 3. Somehow, by the end of the night the barn was fixed back to it's former glory. All that was left to do was paint it. Niall and I were both too tired to do anymore work. I decided to take the truck home. We both drove home in it.

Niall had decided to sleep at his house tonight. Only because my mum was home for once. Before he left into his home, he leaned in through the car window and kissed me goodnight.

I pulled the truck into my driveway and stumbled into my house. I saw my mum in the living room with a cup of tea and a book in her hands. She was glued to whatever she was reading. She didn't even notice me walk in.

I helped myself to a cup of tea and joined my mum in the living room.

"Hi mum." I lowly spoke.

Her eyes were drawn from the book to me. She instantly put the novel to the side.

"Hi sweetie. Where were you?" She asked, sipping on her tea.

"With Niall." I sipped on my own tea.

"You really like this boy don't you?"

"More than anything." My words came out with a smile on my lips.


"He's..." It took me a second or two to find words to describe Niall. Words couldn't explain how he made me feel. "The most amazing guy I've ever met."

"I'm glad you're happy."

"Thanks. I'm gunna go to sleep." I headed up my stairs and curled into my blanket. It felt weird sleeping alone.

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