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11:59PM. Only one minute until Sarah's birthday! I had something special planned. It was going to be perfect! I had everything planned out to the second! Nothing could mess this up! I've been planning it for two weeks. And I got her the perfect gift.

12:00AM. I had spent the night. I had snuck in around 11. Sarah fell asleep not even minutes later. I shook at her shoulders.

"Sarah. Sarah, babe wake up."

Sarah's body turned. Her face nuzzled into my chest.

"Mmm what?" She mumbled into my body.

"Happy birthday princess."

Her eyes remained closed but a smile crept onto her lips.

"Thank you... But I'm no princess."

"You're my princess."
She truly was.

"Thanks... Can I go back to sleep now?"
I chuckled at her crave for sleep.

"Yeah." I placed a kiss to her head and watched as she fell asleep, eventually falling asleep myself.


I was woken up by a pair of lips pressed to mine. My eyes slowly fluttered opened to see an angel hovering over me.

"Morning birthday girl." His Irish voice soothed my body.

"So what do you have planned for today?" I asked stretching out my arms.

"Only the best night of your life."

I smiled. I knew he would make this night special. I wonder what he had planned. Was it simple? Was it unique? Was it just a movie? Or a special carriage ride? With Niall you would never know. He was so unpredictable but that something that I loved about him.

"Until 5 tonight, we're doing what ever you want." Niall told me.

"To the couch!" I hollered out. I didn't care what we did until then I just wanted to be with Niall. It was 12 now, only 5 hours.


Once the five hours had gone by I walked up to my room to find something to wear. I chose to wear my white shorts with my navy blue v-neck. And black gladiator sandals.

Niall had gone to his house to change into nicer cloths. The door bell rang right as I finished applying my mascara.

I opened the door to see Niall wearing a blue button up. He held a pink rose in his hand. My smile went from ear to ear. I walked to Niall, he handed me the beautiful flower.

"Thank you Niall." I embraced him in a warm hug. He took my hand in his until we reached the car. We drove to a large body of water. The sun was setting as we made our way onto a boat. Niall steered the boat to an island. He helped me climb up to rocky surface until we reached a candle lit picnic looking over the water.

It was beautiful. Stunning. Amazing. Perfect.

As we sat down Niall pulled the food out of the basket. We finished our delicious meal and Niall pulled his guitar into his lap.

"This song reminds me of the most amazing girl in the world. Sarah Grace Caise."

He was so sweet.

"Oh her eyes her eyes make the stars look like their not shinning. Her hair her hair falls perfectly without her trying. And she's so beautiful and I tell her everyday. Oh I know I know when I compliment her she won't believe me and it's so it's so sad that she don't see what I see. And every time she ask me do I look ok I'll say when I see your face there's not a thing that I would change cause girl you're amazing just the way you are." He continued the song; every note was hit perfectly. He was perfect.

When he finished the song I jumped into his arms bringing my lips to his cheek.

"Come on." Niall stood to his feet. I took his hand and followed him to the boat. We set out the tube while just resting on it as it floated a little out past the dock.

I rested in Niall's arms when I felt a cold metal on my neck. I looked down to see Niall had placed a small, silver locket around my neck. I tilted my head up to look into Niall's blue eyes.

"You're amazing. Thank you for making my birthday special."

"You're the most amazing person in the entire world." Niall's words brought me butterflies.

We laid in each other arms for hours and hours. It was already 11:30. When we realized how late it was we decided to go home.

Niall walked me to my front door. Before opening it I grabbed his hands.

"Thank you Niall. For everything. Tonight was... Perfect."

"Not yet." He said leaning in to me. Our lips connected, there they were again the butterflies. My arms holding him around the neck as our passionate kiss became heated. Eventually pulling apart I brought him in for a hug. He tried to pull away but my grip remained tight.

"No... Not yet." I didn't want to let him go. His hands returned to my back, holding me in a hug. When I finally let go I looked into his eyes.

"Happy birthday." With those words Niall left. I walked into the door.

I closed it as slowly as possible. I made my way to the steps before I was given a heart attack.

"Where do you think you're going?" My mom spoke from the kitchen. I jumped. My heart pounding.

"Oh... Ummmm... I was umm."

"It's one in the morning. Where have you been all night?" My mother questioned

"I was with Niall."

"Honey, you've been spending a lot of time with this boy. Is there something you want to tell me?"


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