Chapter 14

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Sarah remained in my arms until her tears came to a stop.

"Niall, take me home." Sarah's voice was barley audible. I picked her up bridal styles as she held her arms around my neck, her face firm to my chest. I placed her feet to the ground when we reached my bike. I swung my leg over the seat as she repeated my action. She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my back. Her touch painted a smile on my face.

"Hold on princess." I spoke before speeding down the street and making it to our houses.

When we reached our houses I drove up to the curb and stopped in the small space between our drive ways. I smiled at Sarah's appearance. She was still in shock from the previous drama that had taken place not even an hour ago, but she was still beautiful. She wore my oversized hoodie, falling down past her shorts to her mid thigh.


The night was silent. Sarah hasn't answered my text. Where was she? I was brought out if my thoughts by the sound of a bike engine. I peered outside my window where I saw Sarah with Niall. I didn't care much, Sarah was only temporary but I still didn't want her with him. He was a threat to me. When I was sure Niall was gone, I made my way outside to Sarah.


Niall had left to go to his house. I was still outside, I remained a little shaken up from being violated.

"Hey sarah!" The voice brought butterflies to my stomach. I turned to see josh across the street. "Can you come over here?"

I made my way to his side with a smile. His words quickly took away my joy of seeing him.

"I don't want you hanging out with him."

"Wait... Are you saying I can't hang out with Niall?"

"Exactly." Josh's voice had absolutely no emotion but cold and harsh darkness. This was the old josh. The josh I feared. The josh I never would have fallen for.

"Why?!" I stepped away from him with anger in my eyes as I stared into his dark orbs.

"Because you're mine! I don't want that prick getting any ideas!"

"Don't call him that!" I snapped.

"Why are you defending him! I'm you're boyfriend!"

"Well you're not being a very good one right now!"

"Excuse me?!"

"Niall just saved me from two ass holes who could have raped me!"

"I don't care I don't want you near him!"

"You don't care?! If it wasn't for Niall I would most likely be with those pricks probably being stripped of my cloths right now!"

"That's not the point! I don't want you even talking to Niall!"

I was enraged! Niall just saved my life and all Josh could focus on was the fact that I was with Niall and not him.

"You can't control my life! God Josh what's wrong with you right now?!"

"You're my girl and I don't want you near him! That's final! Don't argue with me!"

"You drive me to it! Ugh I'm done fighting! I'll talk to you later!" I stormed away, the tears returned to my eyes. How could josh be so cruel to me? Right now all I wanted to do was smack him across the face.

'Can you come over?' I texted Niall. Although I was still upset with him. I had no one else and he had just saved me. I couldn't be mad at him. A minute later I heard a knock on the door to my balcony. I opened it to see Niall.

"I brought chocolate." Niall said holding up a bag of chocolate kisses. I let out a small chuckle, walking into my room as Niall followed. We both sat on the end of my bed. My smile had disappeared within the second.

"I heard you and josh yelling from my room..." Stated Niall.

"I just can't believe him!" I shouted standing up from my bed, "Does he think he can control me?! Those guys could have done anything to me and he's mad that you saved me not him! That I was with you and not him! If you hadn't come I know or a fact he wouldn't have!"

"I told you I'd be superhuman for you." Niall spoke with a small smile. I looked back to him and walked into his arms for the second time tonight.

"Thank you Niall. For everything." I gave Niall a small kiss on the cheek.


My cheeks tinged with pink after Sarah's lips left my cheek. If only her lips would connect with mine instead of my cheek. This felt right again. I know for a fact this is where Sarah belonged. In my arms. She belonged with me.

"I think I just need a break from Josh." Sarah muffled into my chest. "Will you hangout with me?" Her voice was almost child like.

"Of course." I smiled giving her a kiss on the head. She was so perfect. When she was sad she was perfect. When she was happy she was perfect. No matter what, she was always perfect. We sat there for what seemed like hours. The night lingered on, filled with silence, not awkward but comforting silence. I played with her hair with one hand while she fiddled with the fingers of my other hand. How I wished she was mine.

"It's getting late." I spoke for the first time since our small talk when I first arrived.
"I should go." I tried to get up but her arms grabbed mine as if she was scared for me to leave.

"No!... Stay."

Sarah smiled at me before cuddling into my chest and falling asleep. All I could do was take in her beauty. She truly was an angel. Her arms remained tight around mine as I picked her up and laid her in the bed. As I tried to take my arm back from her grip I heard her voice mumble,

"Niall.... Please stay." She was half asleep, with her eyes still closed. "Please don't leave me."

"I'd never leave you." I planted a kiss on her cheek as I found myself wrapping my free arm around her waste pulling her body closer to mine. As I fell asleep. This was more than right, it was perfect.

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