Min Yoongi/Suga

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Like all things in this world, there is an ending. An ending to a good period in your life, an ending to a bad one...an ending to your favourite book or your favourite movie. The ending of a life and the ending of a chapter. All things must end.

Growing up, that's what you were taught. You were taught that good things came to an end eventually and the bad things resolve themselves over time. As a child, none of these things truly mattered, since you were too young to understand what they meant. But now, as you're older and maturer, these things begin to make sense.

You never wanted to move from the coast. The sun and the sea and the smell of salt from the waves were all too comforting and moving away from them felt like a mother being separated from her child. It's a dramatic comparison but the coast was your home and moving away felt alien.

But then you met Min Yoongi, entirely on accident, and things started becoming brighter. You were always walking down a dark tunnel, no light to guide you and finally you were nearing the end, the small light finally growing as you neared it. The alien feeling of being away from home was gone and finally you felt as if you were destined to be here, to be with him and to be where you are now.

Everybody found out about you and Yoongi eventually. It was inevitable, since the marks from the rather intense sex you two had were impossible to cover and everybody saw. At first, only Jackson noticed, but he was your best friend and you'd already told him since he practically begged it out of you. When Jackson found out, so did the rest of his friends. Mark told Jimin, and Jimin told the rest of BTS. Hoseok told Tiffany and she told Sooyoung, who then told Minho, who then told Amber. The news of Min Yoongi finding a new girlfriend was the topic of the hallways. You weren't sure if to be too thrilled when everybody found out, but you weren't mad. In fact, some girls in the hallway didn't bother you anymore and some even approached and timidly asked if Yoongi was a good kisser or not, since now they'll never find out. Living with the fact that your boyfriend was undeniably gorgeous to everybody was a thing you'd have to grow used to.

Yoongi's graduation came sooner than you had wished, and seeing him all dressed in his graduation robes at the front of the school hall put a blinding smile on your face. It was also lovely to see the rest of your friends standing around him also with smiles on their faces, accepting their graduation diplomas and becoming official graduates.

And of course, much like any graduation, the were handed and passed around, loud laughter erupting from the students at the front as they compared yearbook photos. Black ink was swirled all over the pages with messages from students and teachers. To say you were excited when you were asked to sign BTS' yearbooks was an understatement.

When it finally came to Jimin, you noticed his cheeks tinted a rosy pink as he passed you the book, the black sharpie weaving between his fingers.

"You look happy," you said suddenly and he looked down at you, grinning.

"I am. I'm finally leaving this place. I mean, of course, I'll be really sad to leave you behind," he teased, your hair until you whined for him to stop. "But I'm super happy to leave."

"I'm glad." You smiled up at him, handing him back the and he curiously eyed your message, laughing slightly as he read over the last line.

"I'm thrilled you're looking out for me," he admitted. "But I don't think this last line matters much anymore. 'Find love with someone new! I believe in you!'"

"Huh? Why?"

Jimin rubbed the nape of his neck, grinning. "I found someone."

You can't help but break out into a smile. "Really? That's great, Jimin!"

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