The Boy

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Courtney's pov
I woke up with my alarm ringing in my ear. I turned it off and smashed my pillow on my head. I threw it on the ground and got up.

I really didn't want to go to school, but it's the law so I guess I have to. I brushed out my long brownish blondish hair. I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I picked out some capris, a white tank top, a jean jacket and my black and white nike.

I braided my hair into a fish tail and went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Hi honey" my mom said drinking her coffee. "Hey" I said grabbing some bread and stuck it in the toaster.

I sat down and started to eat, "honey I have been meaning to tell you that-" my mom started. "Oh my gosh I'm going to be late" I said with toast in my mouth. I ran upstairs and grabbed my bag, my phone and my keys.

"Bye mom we will talk later!" I said running out the door. I slipped into my red Mini Cooper and drove off.

When I got to school I went straight to my locker where my friends were waiting. "Hey sorry I'm late" I said opening my locker.

"It's okay" said Britney, Ashley was looking around for her crush. "Oh my gosh would you stop" Britney said.

"Sorry, usually he comes through this hallway" Ashley said. I looked at Ashley then I saw him the guy that I have liked since middle school.

Sam was funny a bad boy, he played on the football team and he was perfect. But guess who else liked him.....Ashley.

"Oh look I see him" she squealed. I looked at him as he walked down the hallway with his group of friends. Then I quickly turned away.

If Ashley ever found out I liked him things with us would not be the same. Ashley has liked him since 6th grade and always will.

Britney, Ashley and I walked down the hall to science. When we walked in the door I was laughing at something and I turned around to walk backward but then I bumped into someone and a tray of glass bottles shattered into the ground.

I turned around and looked at the mess not looking to see who I bumped into. I crouched down and started to pick up the pieces.

I looked up and saw Sam crouched down too, I can not BELIVE I did that. We made eye contact for 3 seconds and then I broke the staring and looked down.

After we picked up the glass I took my seat in the middle row third row down. San took his seat in the first row to the left in the corner.

I got out my textbook and started to work. I keep tapping my pen and when I do that it means I'm ether nervous, bored, or I just can't concentrate, which I usually can.

I glanced to my left at Sam and suddenly I meet his eyes. He looked at me with his hazel eyes. I looked away and tried working again.

I looked at Ashley and she was drooling over Sam. Britney was doing her work which is what I should be doing.

The bell and I snapped out of it realizing I didn't get any work done which means...homework. I walked out of the classroom and onto my next class.

After a couple of classes, the bell finally rang for lunch. Everyone headed for the cafeteria. I got some lunch and sat with my table of friends.

"Okay I'm going to go and talk to him" Ashley said looking happy. The girls around me nodded and squealed.

Sam was just getting out of the lunch line, my eyes darted towards his muscles that were perfect. Stop it Courtney! I told my self. Ashley got up and walked towards Sam.

Ashley's pov
"Hey Sam" I said nervously, "um..hey" he said, "um...I just wanted to know if you were coming to practice today because the cheerleaders are practicing their routine." I said.

"Cool well I guess I will see you out their" he said. I smiled and walked away.

Courtney's pov
Ashley slapped her hand on her head. "I'm so stupid" she said sitting down. "What did you say?" I asked. "I asked him if he was going to be at practice and I told him the cheerleading team was going to be practicing." She said.

"You guys are coming to watch? Right?" She asked. I nodded "Courtney this does not mean homework time" she said. I laughed "yeah whatever" I said. Everyone else laughed.

Finally school was over and the football players were heading to the locker room. Britney and I headed to the field and sat in the bleachers.

I pulled out my textbook and started to work.
When the football players came out we cheered and then the cheerleaders came out.

I watched Sam take his place on the field. I watched him the whole practice then I had to go home.

I got into my car and drove off. When I got home I immediately went into the kitchen, my mom was sitting on the couch and when she saw me she got up.

" Courtney I'm glad you are home" she said. "So I was trying to tell you something this morning you you know Janus Sam's mother?" I nodded, I had no idea they were friends.

"Well two of their pipes burst and their house flooded, soooo.....I asked them to come stay here until their house is fixed" she said excitedly. I dropped the apple I was holding and my mouth dropped.

"What?!" I yelled "yeah! And they are coming in an hour!!" She said so excited.

Hey guys so this is my new book I hope you guys like it !!! If you have any suggestions please comment and vote!!!!!


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