That One Night

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Courtney's pov
I turned to my side to see Sam sleeping next to me. I sit up and notice I'm still in my bathing suit so is Sam.

He flutters his eyes open and smiles at me. I smile and he grabs me and pulls me close. I laugh but I pull away. I put on a light jacket and head downstairs.

I grab some food that was laying on the counter and go outside in the deck. Everyone was sitting at the table.

"Hey Court" Ashley said smiling. "Hey" I said, I picked up an apple and bit into it. Sam came out shirtless and grabbed an apple too.

He sat down next to me but Zac got up. "Ryan, Sam get up" he said walking into the house.

They got up and followed Zac, "what was that about?" Britney asked. I shrugged and continued to eat my apple.

Sam's pov
We followed Zac into the kitchen and then stopped. "Okay boys here's the plan for tonight" he started.

Ryan and I looked at each other "what do you mean plan?" We both asked. "Okay so I have a bottle of vodka in this cabinet, so later tonight we will go on the beach and we will give the girls a cup of it and we give ourselves water" he said.

"So you want to make the girls drunk?" Ryan asked. He nodded "once my sister was so drunk she started to sing and yell crazy words while jumping on furniture, it was hilarious!" He said laughing.

"Ok let's do it" we said, we walked back out to the table and sat down.

Courtney's pov

The boys came back out and sat down quietly. We looked at them shrugged and got up to go change.

I changed into some Jean shorts and a t shirt. I put my hair into a fish tail and slipped my sunglasses on. I grabbed my towel and went outside.

I laid my towel on the sand and let my skin soak up the sun. Later Ashley and Britney joined me and we talked for a while until it was getting late.

It was pretty dark and Zac brought out a bag. He pulled out a bottle of vodka. "Are you serious?" I asked. "Yup" Zac said popping off the top.

He poured 3 cups and handed them to us.

Sam's pov

Zac handed the girls their cups and ours with water inside. We talked for a while and the girls were starting to get drunk.

Courtney started to do cartwheels and Ashley and Britney laughed hysterically and clapped their hands.

We started to laugh and then we went inside. I went up to our room and took off my shirt and laid on the bed.

Courtney stumbled in to the room and giggled. She closed the door and grabbed her phone. She put on a song, she removed her shirt which revealed her purple lace bra. She slipped her shorts down and slid them to the side.

"I don't know about you! But I'm feeling 22!!" Courtney drunkly sang. I laughed and she kept singing in her bra and underwear.

"Everything will be alright if we keep dancing like we're 22" she sang again. She tossed her hair around and it was messy now.

She came up to me and got into of me. She kissed me and then laughed and fell to her side and fell asleep.

I woke up with the sun streaming through the window and Courtney was crashed out next to me.

I wrapped my arms around her as she slowly woke up. She clutched her head, she groaned, I kissed her forehead and she looked up at me. She sat up and looked at what she was wearing.

I looked at her body and she nudged me. She got up and went into the bathroom. She started to brush her teeth, "getting you drunk was the best decision ever" I said.

She jerked back and walked into the room and took the tooth brush out of her mouth. "What?!" She yelled, I smiled and ran out of the room. "Sam!!" She screamed.

Courtney's pov

I slipped on a jacket and some shorts and ran after Sam. He was outside on the beach and I chased after him. He had his shirt off revealing his perfect muscles.

He grabbed my waist and picked me up, "I can't believe you!" I said laughing.

He laughed and put me down, "come here" he said.

He led me inside and grabbed two advils and handed to me. "Aww thanks" I said sarcastically.

Ashley and Britney came outside with the same expression on their faces as I did. Zac and Ryan came out laughing.

"I can not believe you guys did that" we said sitting down.

"But it was hilarious" Sam said, "I could hear Courtney's singing all the way down the hall" Zac said.

"Hahaha ha" I said glaring at the boys. I ruffled my hair and flipped it out of my face, "we are so getting you guys back" I said looking at Ashley and Britney.

Hey guys!!! Hope you like it!!!!! Please comment and vote!!!!


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