Tragic times

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Courtney's pov
The rest of the day Sam stayed at my house and we swam in the pool. He was really upset he lashed out at his sister like that.

Scarlet's pov
I swayed side to side as I slumped to my car. My vision blurred and I got into the car. I started to drive and I stepped on the gas.

Courtney's pov
It was late and Sam had to go home. We walked outside and the warm air hit us.

Sam grabbed my hand and I smiled. Then we heard tires screech in the road. We looked down the road.

The car was speeding down the road and mum pith dropped when Sam and I realized it was Scarlets car.

Sam let go of my hand, then in a split second the car hit a tree hard right in front of my house. "Oh my god!" I screamed.

"Courtney! Call 911!" Sam said running towards the car. I pulled out my phone and called 911.

They said they would be here soon, so I ran over to the wrecked car that was smoking now. Sam tried opening the car door but it wouldn't move.

He kicked it but it didn't moving, he smashed the window with his hand. Blood trickled down his arm as he grabbed Scarlet who had blood all over her.

He dragged her onto the cold concrete. "Scarlet! Can you hear me!" He said. He put his head down on her heart.

She had a big gash on her head and a price of glass hit one of her veins in her hand which was bleeding like crazy.

"No...Scarlet!" He screamed, he put her in his lap and started to cry. "She's not breathing" he said.

My hand went to my mouth and then I heard sirens. A door opened and it came from my house. My mom and out with her mouth open and ran towards me.

I looked at Sam as the police and ambulance came. They all got out and took Scarlet away from Sam.

A doctor sat next to her and listened her heart. "I'm sorry" he said putting away his supplies.

Sam ran towards Scarlet "noo!" He yelled but the police held him back as they put Scarlet in a black body bag and put her inside the ambulance truck.

Then a car came up and Sam's mom came out of it, she left her car on and left the door open.

She covered her mouth when she saw Scarlet in the body bag. Sam was sitting on the curb with his head in his hands crying.

I was crying too, Sam saw his mom and ran towards her. She started to cry and hugged her son.

We talked to the police and the ambulance went away. Sanand his mom got in the car with their tear stained faces.

I went up to my bedroom and cried. It was terrible what I just witnessed. I didn't know how Sam was going to handle it.

I couldn't sleep, I tossed and turned as the image of Scarlets car going into a tree kept replaying.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I looked at my phone and saw it was 2 am in the morning.

I felt so bad for Sam, I cried for him. Scarlet died after he fought with her. I can imagine what it's like to lose a sibling because I have lost a sibling too.

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