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Courtney's pov

I had my bra on from last night and some shorts, I turned over and Sam was staring at me. I smiled, he played with my bra strap and I laughed.

He groaned in his sleepy voice and rolled over to get on top of me. I put my hand over my face and he laughed. He kissed my bench and then my lips.

I flipped him back over and got up. I walked lazily to the window. Sam got up shirtless and walked over to me. H spit his hand on my arm and looked out the window.

I hugged him and smiled, "I love you" he said. "I love you too" I said.

Later we all went out to breakfast and then came back to go on the beach.

I changed into my flowery swimsuit and threw my hair down which was in pretty beach curls. I picked up my sunglasses and put them on my head and walked downstairs and onto the beach.

The warm sand touched my feet and I went over to where Ashley and Zac set some chairs up and an umbrella.

I laid out on a sun chair and started to tan. The boys came out and went in the water and Ashley, Britney and I stayed up on the sand soaking in the sun.

Zac and Sam got out of the water soaking wet. "Okay so what are our plans for tonight?" Ashley asked flipping through a magazine.

"Well I heard some people talking about a new club opening up tonight" Zac said.

"News flash we are 17 we can't get into clubs" I said. "Yeah but this one lets anyone over the age of 17" he said.

"So we can get in?" Ashley asked, he nodded "cool well then we are going to a club tonight" Ashley said looking back at her magazine.

Sam looked at me and winked and I smiled. Later we all got ready to go to the club.

I picked out a blue short strapless dress that I brought just in case.

Ashley picked out a purple strappy dress with ruffles.

Britney picked out a pink dress that was simple and went with her dark skin color.

I left my hair down and put some jewelry on. I put a little makeup on and my heels

I walked downstairs and the guys looked at us in awe. We drove in our jeeps to the club and parked.

The building was big and purple and blue lights shown inside. Music was booming and people were cheering.

We handed our I.d to the guys and he let us in. "Alright I'll get us some drinks" Zac said. We nodded and started to dance.

Zac came back with some drinks and all picked one up, "cheers" Ashley said holding up her drink.

"Cheers to the best trip of our lives" Sam said. I smiled at him and sipped my drink.

The whole night we danced and drank, Britney and Ryan only had one drink so they would have to drive all of us home.

It was really late and we all decided we should get back to the house. Britney drove us back and Ryan drove the boys.

I had the hiccups and I kept laughing, I was the most drunk out of Ashley and Britney. Ashley kept laughing at me because I was so drunk.

When we got back to the house Britney and Ashley carried me inside and made me drink two glasses of water.

Sam laughed when he saw me sprawled out on the couch laughing.

He picked me up bridal style and walked up the stairs. He laid me on the bed and he took off his shirt and laid next to me.

I giggled but then I felt sleepy and it took ahold of me.

Hey guys!!!! I hope you like it!!!!! Please comment and vote!!!!


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