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Courtney's pov
The next day I got up and was feeling super happy. I put on some jean shorts and a maroon loose shirt with some long necklaces. I put my hair up in a bun and went downstairs.

Sam was sitting my at the bar stool eating my Cheerios again. I laughed when I looked at the Cheerios. My mom and Sam's mom were eating breakfast at the table.

I grabbed a bowl and started to fill it. Sam got up with his bowl and went towards the sink. Sam came up behind me and rested his head on my shoulder and squeezed my waist as my mom was getting up.

"Sam!" I whispered, my mom looked up at us and I smiled acting like nothing happened. When she walked behind us I turned to Sam and waved my spoon in front of his face. He laughed and then I walked over to the bar stool and sat down.

After breakfast I ran up stairs and grabbed my bag. Sam was waiting at the bottom of the stairs and we ran towards the door "bye mom!" We said.

I closed the door and once we were outside Sam pulled me close while we were walking and put his hands around my waist, I laughed and then broke away.

I got in the car and put the top down, I turned up the music and backed out of the drive way.

Once we got to school we got out and started walking. "Okay so today you are going to go up to Ashley and ask her to dinner" I said.

He nodded "got it" he said, "so one question why can't our parents know" he said.

"First of all I only have my mom and she is friends with Ashley's mom" I said. "Oh, Courtney I'm sorry I didn't-" he started. I stopped walking "it's fine I don't talk about my dad that much, he and my mom got divorced when I was 14" I said.

"My dad died when I was 8" he said, "oh my gosh Sam-" I started. "It's okay it happened a while ago" he said.

"How?" I asked "I was in the car with my parents and we were laughing until my dad looked at the road and his laughter stopped and a car crashed into us" he said. "That's how I got this scar" he said pointing to the scar on his forehead.

We started walking again "do you miss him?" I asked. "All the time" he said smiled at me. I smiled back and kept walking.

We walked into school and I saw Ashley standing by my locker. We walked over there together and Ashley stiffened when she saw Sam.

"Hey....Ashley.....I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with me?" He asked. She smiled "I would love to" she said, Sam took her hand and they walked off together. Ashley turned around and pointed at him excitedly.

Britney and I laughed, "wow I can't BELIVE he actually asked her out, but don't you think it's a little weird he never noticed her and now suddenly he does" she said. I shrugged and grabbed my books and shut my locker.

Skip school
After school Sam and I went home and Sam started getting ready for his date. He dropped his bag on his bed and I sat down on his bed.

He looked through his closet for a nice shirt. He found a blue shirt and set it next to me. He slipped off his shirt reveling his perfect abs and his muscles.

He slipped on the blue shirt and started to button it. He was struggling so I stood up and started to button them.

I could feel him looking at me, I looked up when I was done and he was centimeters from me. He leaned in and kissed my soft lips, the kiss got deeper but we pulled away. I smiled at him and he smiled back, I walked out of the room.

I sat on the couch and started to look through a magazine before I had to take Sam to get his car. He walked out and his mom was in the kitchen.

"Oh are we going out on a date?" She asked walking over to his. I looked up from my magazine and he looked at my and winked. I laughed and went back to my magazine.

"Court, you ready?" He asked, I nodded and got up. We walked out the door and Sam slipped his hands in his pockets, we got in the car and drove to his house where his car was waiting.

I got out and leaned against my door, he walked around until he was in front of me. "You know I wish it was you I was going out with, not Ashley" he said taking my hand.

He looked up at me with his perfectly short hair. He touched my cheek and then kissed me the kiss got deeper and he put his hands around my waist. He broke away "I have to go" he said smiling.

I laughed and let go of his hand, he looked at me one more time and got in his car. I opened my door and backed out of his driveway.

I was laying on my bed studying when I heard my door open. It was Sam, I sat up "how did it go" I asked. "Good, is it bad we don't have anything in common?" He said.

"No, I don't think so" I said, he shook it out of his mind "I was thinking why don't we take a swim?" He said taking my hand.

I smiled "ok" I grabbed my red bikini and put it on. I walked outside and Sam was already in the pool. I got in and swam into his arms, and the rest of the night we watched the sunset go down.

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