I Love You

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Courtney's pov

I woke up in Sam's arms. I turned to the side but he pulled me back. I sleepily laughed and opened my eyes. He buried his head in my neck. I turned over and touched his arm.

"When did you take your shirt off" I asked, "last night after you fell asleep" he said smiling.

He pulled me closer to his chest he wrapped his arms around my waist and he kissed my neck. I laughed and squirmed around. I broke free and I jumped up. He got up and rubbed his head oh my god he looks so hot I thought.

I was biting my lip and looking at him and he noticed "like what you see" he said. I laughed and shook my head. He walked towards me I put my hands around his neck. He kissed me passionately and his chest was pulled closer to me.

We broke away and we went downstairs. My mom was making another smoothie this time it was blue. "Oh Sam I didn't know you were here" my mom said gluing her eyes to me.

"Mom it's fine we just watched Netflix last night and we fell asleep. I said sitting down next to Sam.

She nodded "mom what is with all these smoothies?" I asked. "I'm trying to be healthy" she said.

"You already are healthy" I said, "not healthy enough" she said pouring the smoothie into a glass.

"Courtney I was thinking us you me and Sam going to lunch today at that new fancy place" she said.

I looked at Sam, "yeah sure" I said smiling. "Okay well I better get home and I will come back to go to lunch" Sam said. We nodded as Sam got up.

"Bye" he said, he kissed me and left.

I went upstairs and looked at my calendar. I saw in black pen moving to Cali I sighed. I didn't want to believe that today was my last day.

I looked through my closet but I couldn't figure out what to wear. I decided I'll pick it out after I do my hair. I curled my hair and brushed it out. I did a little makeup and put some pretty lip stick on.

Then my door opened, Sam came in holding a box. "Hey...what is that?" I asked.

He opened the box, the outfit that is saw in the shop sat in front of me.

My eyes widened, "oh my gosh" I said picking up the skirt. I looked at Sam and jumped up into his arms. "Thank you thank you thank you!!" I said.

"You're welcome....put it on" he said. I squealed and went into the bathroom.

It fit perfectly, I walked out and Sam looked at me. "It's perfect!" I said. I hugged his and he kissed me on the cheek.

I grabbed some shoes and a cute purse. We went downstairs and my mom was waiting for us.

Sam drove me in his car and my mom drove her own car. When we got to the restaurant we got a table and sat down. My mom was looking at the menu and I was reading a choice.

I felt something on my leg. It was Sam's hand, I smirked and slowly grabbed my fork. I held it above his hand.

I was about to stab his hand but he noticed and pulled his hand away.

We ordered and then ate. After lunch we walked around a bit and I let my mom go in a few shops while we sat outside.

It was late and Sam drove me home. I got out of the car and smiled at him. I shut the door and went inside.

I slipped on my pjs and brushed out my hair. I went through Instagram and snapchat and then fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and the one word that popped into my head was moving.  I got up and took a quick shower.

I blow dried my hair and left it down. I picked out some jean shorts and a pink collared shirt.

After that I grabbed my two big suitcases and laid them out on my bed. I literally packed every single thing. I got al my bathroom stuff. All of my clothes which took up one whole suitcase. All of my jewelry, shoes, ect.

I wasn't completely finished when I heard a knock on my door. It was Sam, I looked at him and hugged him.

After I packed my dad was downstairs. Sam helped me bring my bags down and loaded them into the taxi my dad got.

I hugged my mom and kissed her goodbye. I had already said goodbye to Ashley and Britney.

Now all I had to do was say goodbye to Sam. My dad waited in the car as I approached Sam.

He held my hands and looked up at me. My eyes filled with tears. "Hey don't cry" he said touching my cheek.

"This isn't goodbye....Courtney we can still call each other, we have snapchat, and all of social media." He said.

I nodded "I know," "I love you" he said. I looked up at him. "I love you too" I said.

"I am going to miss you so much" he said putting his forehead on mine.

"I'll miss you more" I said. There was silence and then I felt his lips on mine.

He broke away and I looked at him. I walked towards the car and got in. The car drove away and I watched Sam grow smaller in the distance.

"You really love him don't you" my dad said. "Yeah I do" I said.

When we got to the airport we had to wait in line to get our bags checked. I had this sick feeling in my stomach.

Thoughts raced through my mind. "Dad.." I said. He turned around, "yeah?" He said.

"I'm sorry....." I said, "sorry for what?" He asked.

"I can't go" I said, he smiled "I know.....go" he said.

I smiled at him and grabbed my suitcases and exited the airport.

I called for a taxi and it drove me all the way home. I got out and stood on Sam's driveway.

I dialed his number, "hey" he said. "Look out your window" I said.

I saw him open his curtains and look at me. "You're gonna miss your plane" he said.

"Somehow I don't think the plane will wait on me" I said.

He smiled and I hung up. I saw the door open in the darkness. I ran towards him and jumped up.

I kissed him and he twirled me around. He set me down, "so was you dad okay with this?" He said.

"Yeah he's good" I said, he laughed and picked me up and twirled me around again.

Sam drove me home and I walked into the dark house.

I went up to my moms bedroom, she was on her bed reading a book. "Courtney? What are you doing here?" She said putting her book down.

"I'm not going" I said, she smiled "is it because of Sam" she said.

"Yeah" I said, "you love him?" She asked. I nodded "yeah" I said.

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