Coming back

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Courtney's pov
I had been crying in my room for hours. Until Ashley and Britney came in, "Courtney" they said and sat beside me.

"Come on you need a shower" Britney said, I nodded. They helped me into the bathroom and just then Sam came in.

Ashley shut the bathroom door and told him I was going to take a shower.

After my shower Ashley handed me my fav sports bra and my T-shirt and Nike shorts.

I quickly slipped them on and left my wet hair down.

I went out and Sam was sitting in my desk chair staring out the window. He looked at me but looked back at the window.

"I'm gonna make a phone call" I said leaving the room.

Sam's pov
She left the room and I quickly went behind the door and watched Courtney. She dialed the number and put the phone up to her ear.

Then she put it down, then a tear slid down her cheek. She wiped it away and looked up.

I went back to the chair and then she came in.

She slid down on her bed and grabbed her beats headphones.

She put them on and started to listen to music.

Ashley, Britney and I shut the door and went downstairs. "I still couldn't get ahold of her's been two days" I said.

"She needs him" Ashley said, "well what are we going to do....she is so's really mom called this afternoon and asked if she could bring over a few things but I told her not to because Courtney would just be more sad and break down" Britney said.

"Yeah my mom wanted to come over but I told her not mom is pretty sad too" I said.

"Honestly I'm sad for Courtney, I wish there was something I could do" Ashley said.

"I mean maybe if we could cheer her up-" Ashley started. "Ashley she doesn't need that she needs her dad and to be with her family" Britney said.

Courtney's pov
Music was playing and my mind was somewhere else. I looked at my phone but all I saw were text messages that started with "I'm so sorry.."

How could I let this happen, my mom shut me out because she was afraid of what I would think and she didn't want to stress me.

I kept thinking there was something I could do like maybe if I didn't meet my friends to tell them it would have made a difference.

I was thinking all these things but I couldn't say any of them.

I decided I would go downstairs and watch tv or something.

I got up slowly and plopped my headphones on the bed.

I walked downstairs and all eyes were on me. I was half way down the stairs when the door opened and all eyes were on my dad walking in.

Then my emotions went crazy and my mind exploded.

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