The Last of That

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Courtney's pov

The next day I woke up but Sam was gone. I felt my head and there was a sticky note on my forehead. Be back soon ;) I crumbled it up and tossed it and fell back on my bed and stuffed the pillow on my face.

I finally got up and got dressed. When I got downstairs Jessie was laughing and talking with Ashley and Britney.

It was so good they were all getting along. I grabbed an apple and started eating it. "Courtney there's some oatmeal I made" Ashley said.

I nodded, "I think I'm going to walk on the beach" I said.

They all nodded as I sipped outside into the warm air.

The wind blew and my hair flew onto my face. I brushed it out of the way and started to walk on the beach.

I looked at the horizon but then I heard laughing and screaming. The girls were running towards me.

I smiled, they ran into the ocean and dragged me with them. I splashed them and they splashed me back.

Ashley, Britney, and Jessie were still splashing each other but I turned and walked out of the water and looked up.

I could see Sam leaning on the doorway. He smiled, I smiled.

I ran towards him and jumped into his arms. "You're wet" he said holding me.

"Sorry" I said laughing, "where did you go?" I asked.

"I got lunch" he said smiling, I got down from his arms and ran into the kitchen and Sam chased after me.

We all ate lunch outside on the beach and we laughed and talked forever.

Later on Ashley and Britney went swimming and Jessie was face timing Dylan.

I was sitting at the counter reading a book when Sam came downstairs. I looked at him, he didn't have a smile on his face he had a serious face on.

"What's wrong?" I asked then I looked down at what he was holding. He was holding my phone.

The name DAD flashed across the screen. My heart stopped. I looked up at Sam again.

He held the phone closer to me. I took the phone and stood up. I pressed the phone to my ear "dad?" I said.

"Caroline, I didn't think you would answer" he said. I walked outside, "what do you want?" I asked.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry" he said. "Sorry? Dad you didn't even come to moms funeral" I said.

"I'm sorry Caroline, I couldn't.....I loved your much" he said. "So much I couldn't bare to see her like that" he said.

I stayed silent, "how is Jessie?" He asked. "She's fine" I said. "Dad I don't think I will be able to forgive you" I said.

"I know" he said, "I know you loved mom and you love me but you've done too much to destroy our relationship" I said.

"But thank you for saying sorry" I said, "goodbye dad" I said and then I hung up.

I sighed, I was still mad at my dad but I at least know that he cares about me.

Later Sam made us all dinner and we sat out on the porch and talked and laughed which seemed forever.

Everything seemed right. Everything was perfect. I was surrounded by the people I love.

After dinner I sat outside on the sand and stared at the dark ocean.

I heard footsteps, I looked behind me and saw Sam. He sat down next to me and smiled.

I rested my head on his shoulder. I
Could feel him shift as he looked at me. I lifted my head and our eyes met.

"Hold our your hand" he said. I held out my hand and he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring with a gorgeous diamond on it.

My mouth dropped, I was speechless. "I know it's early, but I want to make a promise to you" he said as he slipped the ring on my finger. It fit perfectly.

"Not now but in a few years I want to marry you Courtney" he said. Tears filled my eyes. I kissed him and he kissed me back.

"I love you" he said, "I love you too" I said smiling.

The end.
Hey guys so that is the end of this book!!!! I will NOT be making a sequel I'm sorry! Please comment and vote on what you think!!!

Go check out my other books!!!✌🏻

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