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Courtney's pov

Ok Courtney...come on you need to move on with your life. You're graduating in 2 weeks and you need to get over this.

You just need to....take a shower...and reinvent your self.

I went upstairs and looked around my room. I grabbed my speaker and put on some music. Music makes everyone happy.

I started to dance and moved to my closet. I picked out a shirt but realized I haven't been shopping in forever. I threw a couple shirts I didn't like on my bed and by the time I was done I cleaned out my entire wardrobe and I made a list of what clothes I need.

I carried the clothes to the hallway and set them down. I grabbed the sheets off my bed and threw them in the washer with some other clothes.

Then I took a 30 minute shower. I shaved I washed my hair twice and put in a lot of conditioner. I smelled so good after.

This was actually making me feel better. I looked in the mirror and wrapped my towel around me.

I grabbed some scissors and cut off 1 inch of my hair. I was finally satisfied and then I grabbed a pair of leggings and a t shirt.

I cleaned my room and eventually the whole house until it was lunch time.

Sam opened the door and I ran down stairs. I jumped into his arms. "Whoa" he said, he set me down "are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine" I said.

"Wow you defiantly cleaned up" he said. I smiled, that's the first time I've smiled in a while. "Your smiling" he said. I nodded, "I brought lunch" he said.

He got me a salad and a hamburger because my appetite has been pretty low.

After I ate my lunch Sam grabbed my pills that I was supposed to take and gave them to me.

Then he gave me my stack of homework, tests and notes from school.

"School says you can't graduate until you pass these tests that you missed" he said.

I sighed and picked at the corner of a piece of paper that was in the stack.

"I have to go back to school but you need to finish that" he said.

He squeezed my hand and kissed my forehead. He started to let go of my hand but I pulled him back into a kiss.

He smiled and then left. I had some lunch and then started to work on my pile of work.

I worked on it for about 4 hours until Jessie came home. She sat on the couch next to me with her phone in her hands.

She giggled and I turned to her. "Who are you texting?" I asked. "No one" she said lying.

"Jessie..." I said, "okay its this guy" she said blushing. "What's his name?!" I said fangirling.

"Dylan" she said, "there's a dance coming up and I think he's going to ask me" she said.

"Ahhhh I'm so happy for you!!" I said. I gave her a big hug and she laughed. The rest of the night we watched movies.

It was late and Jessie had fallen asleep on the couch. I picked up a blanket and set it on her. I smiled and watched her sleep until I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was Saturday and I was on the floor. I yawned and sat up. Jessie was still on the couch sleeping.

Then I heard a phone ringing, I looked around and found Jessie's phone under a pillow. The caller Id read Dylan.

I scrambled to my feet, "Jessie! Wake up" I said. She groaned, "Dylan is calling you" I said. She popped right up and grabbed the phone and ran off.

I laughed, I went into the kitchen and made some coffee. I sipped my coffee and then J what's a squeal.

Jessie ran into the kitchen and sat down. "Guess who asked me to the dance?!" She said. "Ummm Dylan" I said.

She nodded and started to twirl around in the kitchen. I laughed and she smiled.

She gasped "omg Courtney I don't have anything to wear, we have to go shopping" she said, I smiled.

After we both ate something and then I ran upstairs to get changed.

I brushed my hair out and put on a maroon shirt with some ripped shorts. I put a little makeup on and grabbed a purse.

When we got to the mall I let Jessie go and browse around for dresses and I went to different stores to get some new clothes.

By the time I was done I had 3 big bags in my hands. I met Jessie in a dress store where she was trying dresses on.

I walked in the dressing room and saw Jessie standing by the mirror in a cute black dress.

"I love it" I said, "do you think it looks okay on me?" She said. "Yes" I said. She smiled, we headed to the checkout counter and bought the dress.

Then Jessie got some heels to match her dress. It was almost lunch time so we ate in the food court.

"Courtney can I ask you something?" Jessie asked. I nodded "are you okay?" She asked.

I stayed silent, "I'm not sure, I guess I'm trying to be okay but...." I trailed off. "But what?" She asked.

"Nothing" I said, "ready to go?" I asked. She nodded and we walked to my car. The ride back was kinda silent but we had music in the background.

When we got home I unloaded all my clothes and put them in my closet. The rest of the night I sat on my window seat staring out the window.

The truth is I really wasn't okay. Everything that's happened has scared me and I don't think I'll ever be the same.

Hey guys hope you like it!!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while!!! Please comment and vote!!

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