Come back to me

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Courtney's pov

I haven't eaten in like two days but I couldn't. I can't eat right now. I looked out my window, it was cloudy and the sun couldn't be seen.

Then I got an idea, I opened my window and grabbed my wallet and phone.

I climbed onto the roof and watched my leg carefully since I was supposed to be resting it since I have like 20 stitches.

It wasn't a far jump from what I could see. I sat down on the edge of the roof and turned around and put both hands under me.

I held onto the roof and then I let go and landed on my feet.

I brushed off my hands and started to walk. I went to the nearest fast food place which was McDonald's.

I ordered a Big Mac, large fries and water. I got my food and started to walk back which was kinda a long way.

Ashley's pov
Britney was sleeping on the couch and it was like 11 in the afternoon. I got up and went upstairs.

I knocked on the door, no answer. I opened the door and peaked inside. I saw no one, I owned the door wider and looked in the bathroom. She wasn't here.

I then noticed the window open, I looked out the window on to the roof. No way! She didn't not jump she just got 20 stitches in her leg!

I ran downstairs causing Britney to wake up. "Wake up! Courtney's gone!" I said.

I grabbed my phone and called Sam.

Sam's pov

"Yeah" I said picking up my phone, "Courtney's gone!" Ashley said. I sat up "what? What do you mean gone?" I asked.

"Her window is open and her wallet and phone are gone too" she said. "Okay I'll find her" I said hanging up.

I got out of bed and slipped on a shirt over my bare chest. I grabbed some shorts and grabbed my phone.

I got in my car and drove.

Courtney's pov

I kept walking until I got to the graveyard. I stopped in my tracks. I looked through the tall black metal gates. I reached for the handle and opened one of the gates. I stepped in and walked down the little path.

I finally got to my sisters grave.

Sam's pov
I drove along the streets with my windows down searching for Courtney. I finally drove by the graveyard and pulled over. I rested my wrist on the wheel and sighed. I looked over at the gravestones and saw a girl standing there in front of a grave some distance away.

It was Courtney, I got out of my car and went inside the graveyard.

I looked down at the gravestone Courtney was looking at. "There's nothing under there is there?" She asked.

I looked at her, "no" I said. I looked at what she was holding. "Of course you went to McDonalds" I said.

She turned to me and smiled. "I was hungry" she said. "Come on" I said, she followed me and we got into my car.

When we got back to the house Ashley and Britney hugged me. "We were so worried" Ashley said.

I awkwardly stepped back and didn't say anything.

"I'm going to take a shower" I said walking up the stairs.

I shut the bathroom door and took my clothes off. I got in the shower and the warm water hit my back. The water trickled down my skin and hair.

Then a piercing pain hit in my head. I yelled, I put my arm on the wall and clutched my head.

I heard the door open "Courtney?" Sam said. I screamed, Sam grabbed me out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me.

"My head!" I said, Sam caught me against his chest. "Courtney it's okay!" He said putting his hand in my chin.

Another shooting pain came, it hurt so bad. I squirmed in Sam's arms but his arms were too strong for me. He kept me still and I looked up into his eyes.

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