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Courtney's pov
My mom explained to me what kind of cancer she had. She has pancreatic cancer, her doctors have been telling her to try and be healthy and eat lots of good healthy food.

She said its help a little bit but it won't cure her.

I texted Sam and told him I had something else and the rest of the night I talked to my mom.

The next day I went to meet Sam, Ashley, and Britney at Starbucks so I could tell them about my mom.

I drove to Starbucks and went inside. I saw them all at a table. I quickly ordered and sat down.

"So Courtney what did you want to tell us?" Britney asked. "Well my mom told me last night that..she has cancer." I said.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Courtney" Ashley said. "It's okay she doing good" I said.

"That's good" Sam said holding my hand. After I told them we talked a while and then I home.

It was kind of late and when I got back to the house the kitchen light was on. I opened the front door and saw my mom on the floor:

I dropped my stuff, "mom!" I yelled and ran towards her. I felt her pulse but I couldn't find one.

I grabbed my phone and called 911.

The ambulance came and quickly loaded my mom into the truck and I ride in the back.

The doctor in the back said she had a very faint pulse. I was so scared I was trembling.

When we got to the hospital that rolled her down a hallway super fast and I ran by the bed.

They shut the door and did their job while I watched in the window.

The doctor came out and I faced him. "She needs surgery now" he said.

I gulped "she has a really low pulse and if we don't do anything soon...." He said. I crossed my arms, "do it" I said. He nodded and went back into the room.

Hey guys hope you like it!!! Sorry short chapter! Please comment and vote!!

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