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Courtney's pov
I woke up with tear streaks on my face. I got dressed and put some makeup over my dark circles.

I went downstairs and saw my mom on the phone. She hung up "hey are you going to see Sam?" She asked. I nodded "give these to his mother" she said handing my a box of cookies.

I went to my car and looked at the tree, the car was still there and there were some police officers there. I backed out of the driveway and drive to Sam's house.

When I got there I walked in and Sam's mom was in the kitchen drinking coffee. "Hi Courtney" she said. "Hi, my mom baked these for you" I said giving her the cookies.

" tell your mom thank you" she said, she had dark circles around her eyes. I nodded "Sam is upstairs but he hasn't come down" she said.

I nodded and went upstairs. I heard someone rummaging through something. I walked down the hall into Scarlets room. Sam was in there searching through her drawers. He had his shirt off and then he stopped.

"Sam what are you doing?" I asked, he turned with something in his hands. His face was red from crying and his short spiky hair was a mess.

I looked at what he was holding, then I looked back up at him. "These were the pills that killed my sister......she took to many" he said.

I grabbed the pill bottle "happy pills?" I asked. But then I realized why she would take them. Sam sat in her bed with his head in his hands.

"Sam...." I started, "Courtney I don't know if I will ever be able to get over this" he said.

"Sam you will get through this" I said, "how would you know you have never lost a sibling" he said.

"I do know" I said, his head popped up "what?" He asked. "My mom was pregnant and one day she wen into the doctors and they told her they couldn't find a heart beat anymore" I said.

"Courtney...oh my god.....was it a girl or boy?" He said. "She was going to be my sister" I said.

I sat down "that part of the reason why my parents split up but they fought over money most of the time" I said.

"My mom never talks about it....I don't either....its just to hard...but I got through it" I said.

I hugged Sam and he started to cry, my eyes filled with tears but I pushed them away. When we broke away, Sam looked at me as I wiped the tears away.

"Come on let's go back to your room" I said. "I'll get rid of these" he said taking the pills.

I nodded and handed him the pills, he put them in the trash canard I walked down the hallway and into his room. I sat on the bed and he came back.

He laid next to me and put his arms around me. Then I fell asleep.

I woke up in Sam's arms, it was around four and Sam and I had fallen asleep. He woke up and smiled at me. I got up and so did he. He walked towards me and put his lips on me.

It was getting rough and I broke away "Sam what are you doing?" I asked. "I think you know what I'm doing" he said kissing me.

Why is he acting like this? I pushed him away. "Are you okay?" I asked, "never better" he said.

"Come on I'm hungry" he said, he walked out of the room and I walked out slowly trying to figure out what was wrong with him.

I walked past Scarlets bedroom and then backed up. I looked at the small trash can next to her bed.

My eyes widened and I ran to it and dumped it out. The pill bottle was gone.

I walked downstairs and gulped. Sam opened the fridge, "where is it?" I asked. He looked at me, "what?" He said, "you know what I'm talking about...the pill bottle" I said.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he said. "Sam give it, I know you took them" I said.

"So what if I did, what are you going to do?" He said. "Sam! Those are the pills that your sister was on when she died" I said.

Tears were filling my eyes, "I deserve to die Courtney, I'm the one who killed her" he said.

"No you didn't Sam! She did that all on her own she got mad and wanted to fell better" I said.

"Yeah whatever but now I want to fell better because I'm never going to forgive my self" he said.

"Well I'm never going to forgive you if you do this" I said walking out of the house and getting into my car.

I drove home and went up to my bedroom and cried.

It was late and I drove back over to Sam's. But his car wasn't there. My heart raced, where would he go? I thought.

The party! I sped down the street and drove to Jim's house. When I got there the house was filled with people. The music was booming and people were drunk dancing on the lawn.

I got out of the car and went inside. My eyes searched for Sam. After searching I couldn't find him.

I walked by a hallway where it was a little quiet and tried calling him. Then I saw him, but he was kissing a girl against the wall.

He looked up and saw me, my eyes filled with tears and I ran out of the house and drove off.

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