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Song for the chapter: Colors by Halsey


"Everything is blue, his pills, his hands, his jeans. And now I'm covered in the colors pulled apart at the seams. And it's blue, and he's blue. Everything is grey, his hair, his smoke, his dreams. And now he's so devoid of color, he don't know what it means. And he's blue, everything is blue."

It was a quiet July night in Texas, nobody had been out in days due to the heat that had washed over recently. It's as if the whole town was paralyzed by it, making everyone feel stuck.

Surprisingly Kristina hadn't come to me with a party to hang at and David hasn't called me back as usual. He's probably with another one of his girls, I mean what else should I expect. It was the same old story everyday, and I was always playing the role of forgiving girlfriend.

I decided on reading one of my old books that I had loved so dearly when I was a sophomore in high school. I've probably read this book over twenty times, yet it was still exciting every time. The words always jumped off the pages at me and the characters always made my heart swoon.

About half way through chapter eighteen of my book, I hear the front screen door open. My thoughts go straight to thinking it was Kristina, considering she has been waltzing right into my house since we were kids.

I place my novel on the pillow beside me and walk into the living room. Kristina was standing there by the couch, looking absolutely frantic about some situation that must be happening. Her phone was clutched tightly in her hand, making my head go straight to awful scenarios.

Kristina breaks out in tears before she had the chance to say anything. My feet rush over to her, making sure she wasn't having a complete panic attack. "Kristina," I say, trying to look her in the eyes,"What's wrong?"

After Kristina takes a deep breath in and controls her sobs, she starts telling me what this was all about. "David got into this fight with the westdick boys at the pond." I furrow my eyebrows, confused at what the big deal really was. David got into fights almost everyday, most of them not safe at all.

"He's in a coma, the doctors had to put him into one so his brain or something wouldn't swell." Tears stream down Kristina's pink cheeks. I was now quickly piecing the puzzle of what happened in my mind.

David and Kristina, along with some of their other friends, love going to the pond just a few miles from town. The group of teens from the west of town, also known as the upperclass part of town, also were at the pond. David had called it our territory, but really it was open space for everyone.

"Will you drive me to the hospital? I can't drive like this without completely breaking down." I nod my head, grabbing my keys, purse, shoes, and jacket hastily. We run out the door and towards my mom's car, which happens to be mine now.

It will always amaze me how my mom could sleep through the frantic cries and the screaming of a worried girl. It makes me realize how much she would care if I was having trouble.

I start driving to the hospital, along the way noticing the absence of traffic. The main hospital in town was in the city, which is where most jobs are for working people. Kristina and I lived in the East side suburbs, making is the middle class side of the town.

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