The shower theives

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They finished unpacking. Zane decided to shower. Garroth sat in his room on his laptop.
                         Zanes pov
I was done with my shower, but when I reached for my towel it wasn't there. I could hear Laurence, and Dante running and laughing down the stairs. "You assholes better give it back!!!" I yelled. They ran so far I couldn't hear them anymore. "Ugh, I'll just run to the room." I got out of the shower. "Wait I'll just wear my clo- they took my clothes?!" My mask was gone. I swear I'll kill them for this. I covered my genitals (I really wanted to say I covered dis dick but noooo Zanes not like that ugh) I looked out of the bathroom no one was there so no one would see my face. I ran into Garroths room praying he wasn't there.
                       Garroths pov
Zane bursted through my door naked well kinda not cause he's covering you know what. "Z-Zane what are you doing?!" I asked. "Well your stupid friends took my clothes even my mask!" He yelled at me. " I'll have a few words with the-" Laurence ran into the room with Dante. "I will see you're face!!" Laurence yelled. Zane hid under my bed. "Laurence. Leave. Zane. Alone." I said angrily. "It was just a prank bro" Dante said. I took Zanes clothes from him and through it to Zane. "That's his personal business if he wants to show his face!" I told him. "He can't hide for ever" Laurence said. We heard movement under the bed. Zane rolled out fully dressed. "YOU'LL PAY"
He tackled Laurence. I tried to hold back my laughter. Zane was so small compare to Laurence. " alright break it up you two." I lift up Zane and plop him on my bed, Laurence walks out.

                        Zanes pov
I plopped on Garroths bed it had pizza on it. "Do you ever clean!" I said."Not my bed. But speaking of cleaning I must go shower." He left the room. I was grossed out by the mess and cleaned up. I decided it was getting late so I'd sleep. I laid down on the bed in the far corner closest to the wall. I heard Garroth walk in so I shut my eyes and pretended to sleep.
                     Garroths pov
I saw Zane asleep." Aww he's already sleeping" I dried off with my towel and put on my boxers. "Well I guess I'll join him" I laid next to Zane. I held him and began to sleep.
                         Zanes pov
Garroth walked in I could hear him looking in his drawer for something to wear. I felt weight on the other side of the bed. It was Garroth he laid next to me at first. Then I felt his heavy arms squeeze me. I was going to smack him but... This felt so comfortable I let it slide just this once.

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