Forgiveness and drunk Zane

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Authors note
Sorry about not posting yesterday. With finals coming up it was really hard to study and do this. Sorry for the inconvenience. 😭
Zane pov
I woke up and Garroth had a tight hold on me. I tried to push him off but I was no match. I saw his eye open and he laughed a little. "GARROTH LET ME GO!" I yelled. He held me tighter.
Garroths pov
I held Zane. "Let's go back to mom" i said. I lifted Zane up and put him on my back."I'm not a child put me down" he said. "Well you're not a child but your my baby" I said with a smirk. "Uh...umm...w-whatever" he said blushing. The rest of the walk was silent. We reached moms house and I knocked on the door. "Do I really have to do this" Zane asked. "Yes now be a man I can't always do it for you" I said.
"Gar gar Zuzu it's great to see you" mom said when she opened the door. "Hey mom it's great to see you too" I said with a smile. "Hello mother" Zane said. We walked into the house. " mother I'll leave Zane here I have to use the restroom" I said. "Sure Gar gar I'll be here" she said.
Zanes pov
She looked me in the eyes. I could tell she was pleading for forgiveness. I couldn't bring myself to do it. "My lite baby I hope you know I'm deeply sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I know you can't forgive me but I had great reason. I wish I could tell you." She said. "You wish this, you wish that, what's the point of wishing if you never fucking do anything about it?!" I said. "Darling please I beg forgiveness I didn't want anyone to get hurt." She said. "I don't want to hear it!" I said. "I understand sweetie." She said. I saw tears roll down on her cheek. Memories flash back of her helping me when I was sad. Even when I had bad intentions she was always there. She never understood why I did it but she still cared, I had to do the same. I put my arm over her. "Mom, I love you" I said. "Thank you darling" she said sweet and softly.
Garroth pov
I watched Zane and mother. It's funny how all it took was a trip to the bathroom to bring my family together."I'm back" I said. "Garroth little Zuzu forgave me!" Mom said with a smile. "That's great mom!" I said. "We have to get going though it's Netflix day at Aphmaus house wanna come?" I asked mom. "Oh no darling Aphmaus mother is coming over for a fashion show" she said. "Ha,ha have fun mom come on Zane" I said. Zane stood up. "Bye mom love you" me and Zane said as we left. "Garroth watch out for Aaron he's been drinking a lot lately." Zane said. "Damn I will thanks for the heads up" i said.
Zanes pov
What if Garroth found out about the kiss. We walked to Aphmaus house. "Hey Zane come on in! Aaron's I the kitchen just having a drink." She said. "I'll join him" Garroth said. I couldn't stop him or I'd look suspicious. I hoped a kiss would make him stay. So I jumped up and swung my arms around his neck and kissed him. "Aww goals af" Kawai~Chan said in the bushes. "I won't be with him that long." Garroth said with a blush and a smile.
He walked into the kitchen.
I had to join them I was to nervous. I started to drink...a lot.
Garroths pov
Zane was drinking a lot more than expected. "Weeee he he Ima go sleep biiii~" Aaron said as he waddled up the stairs. "You *hic* are looking fiiiiiiiiinnnneee as a dimeee" Zane said. "You're drunk Zane" i said. "No *hic* I just love you *hic* so much." Zane said. "I know" I said. "Hey *hic* I wanna give you something at home" Zane said. "What?" I said. "My virginity *hic* I'm tired of waiting" Zane said. "Z-Zane your just drunk. Stop it." I said. "I don't care I want to show you I love you *hic*" Zane said. "I love you too but you'll just forget it the morning." I said. "I don't careeeee *hic* come hereeee" Zane said. He kissed me and grabbed my hand. He started to pull me to the door. "Zane we can't" I said. "Yes we can" he said. I decided to take him home. "Bye Aphmau" i said. "Fuck me Garroth!" Zane said. "ZANE?!" I said. "I'm just being honest sexy" he said.
Zanes pov
I pretended to be drunk. I wanted to show Garroth how much I loved him, and that one  kiss meant nothing just in case he did find out. We got into the house and went up stairs. "Let's do it" I said. "Zane no" he said. "Please Garroth, I really *hic* want you to" I said. "You know what fine!" He ripped off his shirt. I was really nervous. "Get undressed baby or should I do it for you?" He said. He removed my shirt. He took off his pants and I immediately regretted my choice. I wasn't ready. He was now naked. And so was I.
(I Skipped the sex scene cause I don't really know if you guys want it. XD Just comment if you want and I'll put it the next one)

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