Powers revealed

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Zias pov
"Mommy please! Let me out!" I cried but no response. "MOMMY PLEASE!" I yelled. My hands wet from my tears. I lifted the picture. I tried to read. "Z-z-za...ne. Zane? Like the story. So the blonde one must be Garroth. I wish I had parents like them. They seem so nice." I thought aloud. "Alesa! Where's my photo?!" Mother shouted. She bursted in my room. "There it is you brat!" Mother shouted. She grabbed me by my neck. I dropped the photo. I couldn't breathe. "M-mommy stop!!!" I managed to yell. "You don't command! You obey!" She shouted. Suddenly she dropped me. "The only reason your alive is because I want that power!" She shouted. "Really...? Well then...have it!!!" I yelled back for once. I lifted off the ground once again. The pain was horrible but...my rage took it away. "Look at those red eyes! You'll be just like mommy soon!" She said. "I'm nothing like you!" I shouted. Instead of my normal transformation...I was different. "Alesa! Stop! You are not ready for this!" Mother yelled. I fell on the floor. "Don't you ever use those powers on me! She shouted. "I'm sorry..." I said. " I think it's time I explained your powers....they are based on how you feel." Mother explained. "How?" I asked. "Well when you go "white eyes"  you are happy, or remorseful. "Red eyes" is anger and rage. One day you'll be too angry or too happy and you'll only be able to turn into one. " she told me. "But what do they do?" I asked again. "Anger, gives you unlimited power. You can kill, steal souls. And mommy would be very proud to see you like that. But happy makes you able to heal, and control water or something stupid like that. But you will pick the anger way." Mother said. "N-no...I mean, of course mother. But who would I kill?" I asked. "Zane and Garroth." Mother replied.

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