The wedding

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(Please take a moment of silence for the lives lost in Orlando Florida. If you haven't heard many homosexuals were shot killed or harmed at a night club. The only reason they were killed was because of who they loved. This is only making things worse on my end and I feel horrible for the families of these victims. May they rest in peace. #Gaylivesmatter)
Aphmaus pov
We were dressing Zane up. He looked fabulous. His dress was very long and beautiful. Ah, I'm so happy for him. His mother cried tears of joy while she fixed his dress. "Zane you look amazing." I said. "Thank you Aphmau, I remember the first time me and Garroth kissed. It's like it was yesterday." He said. "Oh, I remember that! That high school play." I said. "Who knew we'd be here toady." He said. Michi climb from his dress to his shoulder. "Zane, I so proud of you!" She said. He put her in his hand. "Michi, I wouldn't be here without you." He said. "Aw, but we ain't got time for this mushy gushy stuff! You're dad has to walk you down that aisle!" She said. Zane tried his best to run. Kawaii~Chan held his dress. I took my place on the other side of the aisle and waited for Zane. Laurence stood by Garroth. Zane and his father locked arms as he walked over to Garroth.
Third person
Zane had tears of joy in his eyes as he walked to the love of his life. He walked over to Garroth and stood in front of him. The priest said "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to unite these two men under Irene's watch. They with be united in never ending love. They will forever be loyal to one another. Today they form a bond that can never be broken. They will see the light in each other's eyes no matter how dark it is that night. No matter how bright the stars may shine they only have eyes for each other. Please exchange you're vows as Irene brings you both into a never ending love." Garroth wiped his tears and said "Zane, we've been through so much. You've been kidnapped, hit by a car, almost killed multiple times, but I chose to stay because I love you no matter what comes are way. Even if tomorrow I wake up and another crazy thing happens I'm always going to be by your side." Zane held his hands and spoke "Garroth my life was one big question, you were the answer. My heart played the worst music but you danced. Garroth I hold you're hands today but I know even if I let go are hearts will always hold each other in a sweet embrace. I love you more than words can describe. I'm glad I can call you mine for he rest of my life." The priest wiped his tears. "Garroth Ro'Meave  do you take Zane Ro'Meave to be you're one and only, through sickness and health, through strength and weakness, through wealth and poverty?" He asked. "Of course I do." Garroth replied. The priest turned to Zane and asked "Zane Ro'Meave  do you take Garroth Ro'Meave to be you're one and only, through sickness and health, through strength and weakness, through wealth and poverty?" "I do but just kiss me already!" Zane said. "You may kiss you're groom now." The priest. Garroth pulled Zane into a sweet kiss. Zane through his flowers behind him. Aphmau ran to grab them and smacked all the other women.
Zanes pov
We enjoyed are party. I don't think I've ever been happier. But as soon as the party was over I pulled Garroth into my room by his tie. He kissed me gently. He took off his jacket. I began to unbutton his shirt. He unzipped the back of my dress. "Zane, this was so worth the wait." He said. "Oh hush it was just two months." I replied. "I can barely last a second without you." He said. "Just kiss me you charmer!" I said. He removed my dress and pushed me on to my bed. "I'll do a lot more than kiss you."

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