Back where she belongs

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(Btw this is a really long chapter sorry)
Zias pov
"Come, well just take the train. We would take a taxi but none come around here." Den said guiding me. "So we walk down these underground stairs to a car?" I asked. "What? Um, no. We're taking a train." He said. "Never heard of one but I love new things!" I said. We walked into this weird tunnel. It smelt bad and many small dogs ran around. "Can I play with the small dogs?" I asked. "Those are rats. One bite and you could get sick. So I suggest you don't. How come you don't know this?" He asked. "Well I was locked in a house my whole life and this is my first time leaving." I responded. "W-what?! You must be really powerful!" He exclaimed. "I guess." I said. A rat jumped on his leg. "Gah!" He shouted he kicked it off and stomped on it. "Den! It's hurt." I said.
Dens pov
"So, it's just a rat." I replied. "Wait I've got this!" She said. She sat in front of the rat. She moved her hands over it. I didn't understand at first then she started to float off the ground. Her eyes turned white. They were so bright it lit up the dark tunnel. Slowly the dent in the rat disappeared. It ran away. Zia fell to the ground. "Oww! Eh. Oooh! Look the train is coming!" She said. "H-how?! What?!" I was speechless. She pulled me into the train. We sat down. "Your really amazing you know that?" I told her looking into her eyes. "Hehe, thanks." She said. "...and gorgeous." I said under my breath. "What was that?" She asked. "N-nothing!" I responded. "Oh, and by the way, you are very attractive." She said calmly. "W-what?! Your really forward huh?" I said. "I was taught to be honest. Who's your mother?" She asked. "Kawaii~Chan, my dads name is Dante. I also have a sister named Nekoette. Sorry I'm rambling." I said. "I can't wait to meet my family!" She said. "Meet?" I asked. "Oh, yeah. I was taken away from my parents when I was born. They lived on mystreet." She said. "I promise you'll get to see them." I said. "Thank *yawn* you." She said drifting off to sleep. He head leaning on my shoulder.
Kawaii~Chans pov
"Kawaii~Chan swears! That little Den never gets home on time! Nekoette if you grow up like that Kawaii~Chan is keeping her legs closed for life." I said. "Gross mom!" She responded. "Here's your lunch baby. Have fun at work and I'll call you when Den comes home." Dante said. "Thank you Honey." I said waving goodbye.
Zias pov
I rested on Dens shoulder. He seems to like talking to himself. "What am I gonna do with you? Hehe, mother is gonna like you. I just feel so connected to you. Like I was supposed to meet you." He said. "Last stop!" Someone said. "Zia, wake up. We gotta go." He said. "Hmm, okay." I said. He grabbed my hand and guided me out. "We're not too far from my house. Hopefully my mom is not home." He said. We walked out from the tunnel. "Woah, these are really big houses!" I said. "Yeah, come it's this house..." He said. "The super pink one?" I asked. "Ugh, yup. Let me just get my keys." He said. But someone already opened the door. "Get In before dad- woah who's the chick?" A smol girl asked. "Not now let's just get up stairs!" He said pulling me and her up the stairs. "Nekoette stay here I'm going to take her to my room." He said. We walked in.
Dens pov
Wow, she actually came. "S-so what do you wanna do?" I asked. "I just wanna play with this magical thing!" She said. "Umm that's a mirror..." I said. "Oooooh! It copies me!" She said. Woah, I've never seen anyone so adorable. My door swung open. "Den! I knew you'd sneak in! Who's this?" Dad asked. "I'm your sons friend. Please don't be mad he's trying to help find my parents." Zia stood up and said. "Den...oh my Irene. We'll help. Okay what's your name?" He asked. "Zia." She responded. " you can't be here. Erm what's your parents name?" He asked. "Zane, And Garroth. last name Ro'Meave." She responded. "Zia?! Come now!" Dad said. He picked her up and ran. I chased after him. "Gah! Sir!" She shouted. "Dad! Put her down!" I yelled. He ran out of the house to Uncle Garroth's house. He banged on the door. Zane opened. "Hey Dante? Why are you carrying that poor child?" He asked. "Zane, this poor child's name is Zia. She has been looking for her parents Zane, and Garroth Ro'Meave...." My father said. It al started to fit together. "Zia!" Zane shouted hugging her. "Who are you?" She asked. "Zia, I'm Zane...!" He said.

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