On the road!

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Zias pov
I get to go outside! I've packed my back pack! I'm ready. I walked outside for the first time ever! "Woah" I said In awe. Buildings, cars, people! Wait, where do I start to look? I know they are from mystreet so I'll ask around. "Umm, excuse me? Do you know where I can find mystreet?" I asked. "What? That old town? Well you'd take the 103 bus it'll take you right there." The man said. "Thanks!" I said waving. I can't wait to see them!
Zanes pov
"Zane, it's been 14 years. You have to forget." Michi said. "B-but I can feel it!" I said. "Zane! Think like a human! You built a whole room for her! She's not coming back!" Michi said. "What if she does?!" I asked.
Zias pov
I saw this rectangle the man called a bus. It opened up. "You have money to pay?" A man sitting in there asked. I stole money from Lucinda so yeah! I took five dollars from my backpack. "Yup!" I said with a smile. He took it and I walked in. Everyone had a seat besides me. But how bad could standing be? "Alright let's take off!" The man said. "Gah!" I yelled as I fell onto a boys lap. "I'm sorry!" I said. The boy had long black hair. It was In a ponytail. He had strips of blue hair on one side and yellow on the other. He even had an eye patch. And if that wasn't strange enough he had ears and a tail! "Umm, y-yeah." He said. I stood up. "Where ya headed with such a big back pack?" He asked. "Oh, mystreet." I replied. "No wonder you are packed so heavily! Can I join? I love adventure." He asked. "Sure I'd love company." I responded.
Dens pov
This beautiful girl stood in front of me. Long blonde hair, big green eyes, pale skin. She even had cute freckles. Mom wont mind if I guided her to her destination. "Hey, what your name if you don't mind me asking?" She asked. "Oh, Den." I said. "Cool! My name is Zia." She responded. Even a beautiful name. "Woah, that's a great name." I replied. I could sense high magic from her. Seems to me she doesn't know about most of it. "We have arrived at mystreet!" The driver said. "C'mon!" Zia said. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out. Her face was in shock and horror. "N...no. No! It can't be!" She said falling to her knees. "What's wrong?!" I asked in a panic. "Why is this town so torn down?" She asked. "Mostly everyone moved away." I replied.
Zias pov
"I came here to look for someone! And I won't give up!" I said. "Well I can still help! My mom used to live here and most people moved around her so we can go there and look around." He offered. I hugged him. "Thank you!" I shouted. His face was very red. "N-no problem! L-let's go." He said taking my hand to guide me.

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