Garroth is the best chef

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Aphmau's pov
"Ok explain what he did." I said. "After I failed to break up Garroth and Zane he kidnapped me. He locked me up in here and beat me everyday. He'd make me watch him eat while i starved..." She said. "He'll never hurt you again he's locked up for good." I told her. "Thank the lord!" She said. "You can stay here a while. I thought you moved away since your house is for sale." I said. "For sale?!" She said. "Don't worry I'll change Aaron's room and you can stay here." I suggested. "Thanks Aphmau...your a really nice person" she said.
Zane's pov
I woke up to the smel of Fire. "What?!" I said. I ran down stairs to the kitchen. There I saw Garroth with a smile "Oh hey Zane I decided to cook you breakfast instead this morning" he said. "Oh...what is it that your making?" I asked. "Duh, pancakes." He said. He stirred a pot. "All done!" He said. He served me a weird green liquid. "Thanks...?" I said. I took one bite and struggled to keep smiling. "How's it feel to switch things around?" He said. I kept a straight face and swallowed it. "Ok how about we go back to are regular life" I said. "Agreed" he said. "Now I'll cook bacon eggs and pancakes" I said. "YAY!" Garroth said.
Aaron's pov
I sat in my cell. They said today I'd get a cell mate. Finally someone I could let my anger out on. "You ready maggot? Your cell mate is on his way, his name Tyler." The officer said. He sounds like a bitch. This would be fun. "This is Tyler." The officer said. He pushed Tyler in and locked the cell. Tyler was twice my size and had tattoos everywhere. "Let's have some fun" he said. " about tic tac toe?" I suggested. "Nope! Get on you knees bitch." He said. Karma is real...
Garroths pov
I was watched Zane cooked. He wore a small apron that said kill the chef.(yes I meant kill) he reached for a plate but he couldn't reach. "Stupid plate." He said. I walked to him and gave him the plate. "Thanks for that but I could have done it too." He said. "Ok suuure" I said. He served me. I ate and kissed him goodbye and went back to my house.

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