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Zanes pov
"We'll get her back! Kawaii~Chan I believe you can do it!" Is what I told her....2 years ago. Police were no help and Garroth has gone mad. "Zane, what if...she's In the woods or something!" Garroth suggested as we sat in our house. "We already tried that the first year." I said searching online for possible places she could have gone. Michi used her small size to look around. She'd do this for hours and sometimes never sleep.
Zia's pov
"Mama! I want blueberries!" I asked mommy. "Sure sweetie. Here you go!" She said giving me them. "Mommy....i have a question." I told her. "Yes my darling." She said. "Who's Zane and Garroth? And who is Zia?" I asked shoving blueberries in my mouth. But mommy looked angry. "" She asked very scary. "Sam the baby sitter told me a story. He said it was all true." I told mommy backing away. "Please baby...tell me the story." She said walking closer. "Well, okai! There once was like this Man named Garroth and a man named Zane. But they loved each other sooooo much! That there love was turned into a child. It was their baby Zia. But an evil monster took her away...and named her.........Alesa....." I said. "Go to your room now...." She told me. "Mommy why?!" I complained. "I said go to your fucking room Alesa!" She shouted. I ran up the stairs.
Garroth's pov
I checked for every possible thing. But to no avail. "I give up!" Zane said. Everyone in the room looked in shock. "Even if we find her! She...*starts to tear up* won't know who we are! And Lucinda has already taken her childhood away from us. no longer ares." I said. "B-but Zane- I-it's true...." Aphmau said falling to her knees. "Zane don't you want to see Zias smiling face?!" I asked. "Of course I do! But she doesn't even know who we are! And why would she believe me...." Zane said. We all nodded are heads accepting the horrid truth...
Lucindas pov
I furiously called Sam. "Hey lulu was up?" He asked. "Why the fuck did you tell MY BABY that story?!" I asked. "S-she told you?! Lulu please i-i-i can explain!" He cried. "Don't lulu me...I'm sending evil spirits to find you now you bastard. I'll find a new baby sitter." I said hanging up.
Zia's pov
Wait...if the story is true....hold name is Alesa....b-but mommy is not a monster! Maybe I can check her room! Monster stuff is easy to find duh! *she walks to her mothers room and opens the door* this looks normal! Pink bed sheets, white carpet. A...picture. I might as well pick it up. "Darling I'll be up stairs to see you in a bit!" Mother called. I took the photo and ran to my room. On the back of the photo it said something I couldn't read. Since well I can't read. But the picture is of a man with black hair and a mask kissing a blonde man. I quickly his the picture. "I'm sorry mommy yelled darling. I was just so shocked that Sam told you the wrong story. I asked him to tell you Snow White. Would you like to hear it?" Mom said. "Sure....mommy." I said......

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