Chapter 47~

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I started this on the bus and fell asleep rip


Jeremy and Summer ended up getting along quite well by the end of the interview. Summer completely supported Jeremy's gay marriage, being part of the LGBT community herself. Jeremy now knew that Summer was transgender, and honestly had no idea because of how well she passed. They exchanged phone numbers, and Jeremy needed up getting an internship to start off with.

Jeremy went straight to Mike's house afterwards. He knew Mike was out of the session by then, so he needed to see how it was going. When he arrived, he noticed that the spare key wasn't in its usual area, so he decided to see if the door was unlocked. Surprisingly, it was.

Jeremy stepped inside and saw Mike on the couch, snoring. It was obvious he got home and just crashed, since he was still in his suit. Jeremy giggled and entered the house, closing the door behind him. He got Mike a blanket and propped his head on the pillow of the couch, watching Mike shift as he did so. Jeremy kissed his forehead gently and went off into the kitchen to make Mike lunch. It was just about 1 in the afternoon, but he had no idea when Mike would wake up. Either way, grilled cheese would have to do.

As Jeremy cooked Mike's lunch, he became more and more focused on school. He had a paper due Friday, 10 pages. He was working on it in chunks, and actually had about 7 or 8 pages of it done. He could probably finish it after making Mike's sandwich.

After setting the grilled cheese on a plate and taking it to the living room, Jeremy noticed that Mike was awake and stretching.

"Hey, sleeping beauty." Jeremy smiled, laying the plate on the coffee table.

"Hey, Jere." Mike smiled tiredly. "How'd the interview go? Did you get the job?"

"It went great, and I'm just an intern for now. I can't get a full time job until I'm out of school, anyways." Jeremy shrugged. "How did the case go?"

"I guess it was okay. I have to go back tomorrow, because this mom just won't give up." Mike sighed.

"Mike? Did the kid.. Die?" Jeremy asked quietly.

"No, he's fine. If anything, we should be suing the mom. The kids fucked up the animatronics while getting away from them, they even tore up some posters. The biggest injury on the kids was a cut." Mike snickered lightly.

"So it's really just the parents overreacting then, right?" Jeremy chuckled.

"Pretty much." Mike replied. "Is that grilled cheese?"

"Yeah, I made it for you." Jeremy smiled.

"I love you, so much. Have I ever told you that?" Mike blushed lightly.

"Yeah, a few times actually." Jeremy laughed. Mike grabbed Jeremy by the waist and sat him on the older males lap, laying gentle kisses on the brunette's neck and jaw.

"Because it's true~" Mike smile against Jeremy's skin.

"I love you, too." Jeremy giggled before struggling in Mike's grip. "Let me go so you can eat your sandwich."

"Are you ticklish?" Mike smirked.

"N-No.." Jeremy lied, freezing up. Mike suddenly squeezed Jeremy sides, making the younger male squeal and giggle.

"Stop it! Mike!" Jeremy laughed. Mike chuckled and continued as he playfully bit Jeremy's ear.

"You have the cutest laugh, Jeremy. I don't think I want to stop." Mike grinned. Jeremy was blushing and laughing uncontrollably as Mike continued this. Mike finally stopped, allowing Jeremy to catch his breath.

"Fuck.. You.." Jeremy panted.

"You're the cutest." Mike snickered.

"I hope your grilled cheese is cold." Jeremy stuck his tongue out.

"Now that was uncalled for." Mike jokingly responded, making Jeremy giggle slightly.

"Seriously, though. I ask myself everyday how I got so lucky." Mike ruffled Jeremy's hair.

"Shut up, sappy dweeb." Jeremy flustered. Mike laughed, and for once, actually completely forgot about the stress at work.



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