Chapter 53~

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Mmmmmk sorry in advannnnnce

Btw I feel like complete shit so aha


"So, you never told me you wore braces?" Mike brought up in the car.

"You never told me you wore glasses." Jeremy argued jokingly.

"True, but still, you'd look cute in braces." Mike smiled.

"I was a wreck." Jeremy flustered. "I was like, MySpace Emo."

"It's not just a phase, mom." Mike said without taking his eyes off the road.

"You have no idea how many times I said that in like, 2005." Jeremy sighed.

"I can only imagine you with braces and emo hair saying 'Rawr xD' on your MySpace page. It's not that hard, honestly." Mike chuckled.

"Why? Is it because I like MCR? It's because of MCR, isn't it?" Jeremy accused.

"Well, no, but that too." Mike shrugged.

"Whatever. Let's talk about you and my dad." Jeremy smirked.

"Let's not." Mike denied.

"He's become a lot more protective of me, ever since my last boyfriend..." Jeremy trailed off.

"What?" Mike asked.

"I-It's nothing. But the point is, he's just trying to make sure it doesn't happen again. I know you're not like that, but he doesn't." Jeremy bit his lip.

"You've never mentioned your previous boyfriend.." Mike looked over at Jeremy hesitantly.

"W-Well, he wasn't exactly the nicest guy.. He was all talk, really." Jeremy admitted.

"What was his name?" Mike questioned.

"Why? So you can track him down?" Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"No, just curious." Mike laughed.

"Tom." Jeremy sighed.

"What'd he do?" Mike asked.

"He.. Well.. I-I don't want to change the mood, it's kind of depressing." Jeremy rubbed his arm.

"I promise, I'll try my hardest to not cry like a pussy." Mike smiled, trying to lighten the mood. Jeremy giggled before continued.

"H-He basically used me.. A-A-And if I didn't do what he said, he would.. B-Beat me, and he threatened to rape me.." Jeremy looked down. "But it's fine, he was a terrible person anyways-"

"Jeremy that's not fine! How long did you put up with him?" Mike asked.

"About a year." Jeremy pushed a bit of his hair out of his face.


"I was just in love with the way he talked about me and described me.. Nobody really told me those things, but he told me himself it was all for show. My parents found out when they came to visit and I had a black eye. They made me switch dorm rooms, leaving me with Buddy, and reported him to the police. Ever since my dad has hated any man who's ever even laid their eyes on me and thought I was even slightly more than a friend." Jeremy explained. "Sorry, I'm rambling. I don't talk about this often." He laughed awkwardly.

Mike sighed and gripped the steering wheel tightly, boiling with rage. How could anybody hurt such an amazing creature?

"Did I kill the mood? Are you mad at me?" Jeremy asked quietly. Mike's expression softened before he smiled a bit.

"I'm not mad at you, I'm never mad at you, Jere. It's just.. I don't know, his existence pisses me off, even if he's in jail." Mike told the brunette.

"Mike, it's fine. It was a long time ago." Jeremy tried to calm his mate.

"And I bet you can still describe in detail how much pain he put you through. It's not okay when it's that bad." Mike's voice raised a bit.

"Look, it's my fault for bringing it up. I'm sorry, just calm down." Jeremy apologized.

"I am calm, just worried." Mike sighed. "You don't need to be sorry, Tom does. And if he's not he can go fuck himself."  Jeremy laughed before holding one of Mike's hands.

"I love you, Mike." Jeremy smiled.

"I love you too, Jere." Mike intertwined their fingers, sighing and calming down slightly.



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