Chapter 64~

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hi guys i hit 1K aaaaaa tHANK I CRIED FOR LIKE 30 MINUTES

anyways how are you this is gonna be like really short like maybe 7 paragraphs short my bad k


Jeremy groaned as small hands grabbed the fabric of his shirt. He cracked his eyes open to see big, sky blue eyes looking up at him. However, these eyes were filling with tears.

"Winny, what's wrong?" Jeremy frowned, pulling Winter onto the bed. Winter didn't speak, but pointed towards the window.

"Use your words, I can't understand what you mean." Jeremy sighed. Winter grabbed his fathers index finger and urged him into his own room. Jeremy held Winter's small hand as he walked into the dark room. Winter pointed at the window again, this time a shadow clearly visible on the curtains. The shedding tree outside of the house was blowing in the wind, creating an image that Jeremy could understand Winter being afraid of.

"Baby, it's just a tree." Jeremy tried to remind Winter.

"Dada I'm scared." Winter croaked out. Jeremy couldn't help but pick his son up, carrying him back into the shared bedroom. Winter balled his fists into Jeremy's shirt and laid his head on his shoulder. Jeremy set Winter on the bed, getting next to him and kissing the back of his head.

"Go to sleep, okay? I'm sure you're exhausted." Jeremy whispered, Mike being asleep right next to them.

"I love you, dada." Winter yawned.

"I love you too, Winny." Jeremy smiled before sighing and drifting back to sleep.


like i said, short

but i have a question

like i know winter isnt gonna be a child forever but like how would i go about doing this chronologically?

like i cant do every year he turns older, i would have to like skip 4 years with every jump. but like i don't want to make him older every chapter, you know? so should i like do a few chapters when hes one age, then switch and write a few more chapters? idk lol k bbye

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