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"How long can I hide my feelings?"

Blake's POV:
I'm going to see my best friend Azaana today. We decided to have practice together like we always did in OK. Life's been a blessing to both of us. Who would've thought that me and her would be drafted to LA. Life would be even better if she was on time to practice! She always so damn late! Practice was supposed to start 15 minutes ago. Where the hell is she?

I grab my phone while I sit on the bench in the clippers gym. I text her to see if she could walk in the door anytime sooner.

Blake:Hey um remember me you're 15 mins. late. It would be so lovely if you could swing on by. Come on Z you gotta stop being late.

Azaana: Well sorry B. Vin wanted to take me to eat first then he was gonna drop me off we are running a little late but I'm on the freeway right now. So calm yo tits!

Ugh I can't stand Vin that's her boyfriend but he gets on my nerves. He thinks he's this big tough guy but I could break his little ass like a stick.

Blake: Ugh you're with him? Well can you tell tough guy to hurry up? I already can't stand him.

Azaana: Aw is Blakey Boo getting angry? I'm down the street honey. See ya in a few.

Finally, we can't get these drills going! I swear if Vin wasn't around she would probably be on time more often!

Azaana's POV:

Blake is such a pest. I don't see why he doesn't like Vin, I mean he makes me happy... Sort of. But Blake has to start liking him. Maybe I should make them hang out or something. Yup ima do that. They're gonna be BFF's whether they like it or not.

I walk in the door of the Clippers facility. On my way to the gym I see Doc Rivers.

A:Wassup Doc (I say in my best bugs bunny impersonation)

D: Haha very funny (he says sarcastically) what you doin here girl?

A: just working out with Blake.

D:you know you two are couple of gym rats, but anyways I think you two would look so good as a couple leave the knucklehead.

Why does everyone not like him I mean he's perfectly fine.

A: me and Blake are just friends.

I say with a smile.

D: whatever you say sweetie. See you later

A:alright see ya.

I finally make it to the gym and open the door. I see Blake in a black shirt and blue LAC shorts. He was practicing his free throws like he needs to be. He shoots it and air balls.

B: Shut up.
A: You're just not snapping your wrists right.
B: Oh so is Mrs.Sparks starting 5 shooting guard gonna help me?
(He said with an attitude)
A: Not with that attitude she ain't.
B: Ok, Ok sorry. But can you help me?
A:Ottaayy lil shawty.

Blake's POV:
I finally got this whole free throw thing down. Elbow in, feet lined up with basket, use my knees to elevate, snap wrist for rotation. Got it. Me and Z are gonna do dribbling drills. I swear she has crazy handles. Lots of guys in the NBA could learn a thing or two from her. As she was talking to me I just couldn't focus. She's just so beautiful. The way she talks, how she walks, her eyes,lips,nose everything. Her body, lord her body. I mean she's so unbelievably curvy.

A: cross, cross, between the legs twice, behind the - BLAKE!
B: huh? What? What'd you say?
A:Stop checking me out and listen.
B: I was checking you out. I mean I mean I wasn't checking you out. WAS NOT. Nope not me. Nope not at all.

I said with a smile. Could you by any chance smell my nervousness? Could I be any more obvious?

A: Lier.
B: Just say the drills again.

She went on with the drills we decided to play one on one.

She passed me the ball. I pass it back. I get in my defense of stance. She does a quick between the legs move and goes up for a three and makes it.

A:3 zip
She had a smirk on her face. Oh I'm going to win this one.
B: give me the ball.

I back her down and turn to dunk but she blocks it.
B: I can't believe it either. What the hell have you been eating to where you can block me?!

I hand her the ball and she goes in to me for a layup but we both end up falling down with her on top of me. We stare into each others eyes for a moment. Her big brown beautiful eyes are amazing. As I stare in to them I see this look she's never given me before. Something different, like a way she used to look at Vin. It was like love.

I'm new at this. So heyyyyyyyyy😘

The Love We Never Lost (Blake Griffin)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora