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Blake's POV

The alarm went off. I instantly turned to Azaana. She stared back at me. We have to go to the hospital. It's time for her surgery. All night she's been talking about how scared she is. I've been telling her everything will be okay, but I'm scared too. What if something goes wrong? No no, I can't think like that. Positive. Positive is how I have to think if we want to get through this. I kept staring at her. She kept staring back. Then she smiled.

A: Come on we gotta move!

I chuckled and got up.


We sat in the hospital for what seemed like forever. DJ and I waited on the side of the bed of Camryn and Azaana. The doctor came in and told us that he was going to put them to sleep. We waited in the waiting room. Anxious to see them as soon as possible.


Hours have gone by. Finally the surgery was finished. The doctor comes out and tells us we can go in and see them now. We bounce up and rush into the rooms.

I see Azaana sound asleep. I go over and sit next to the bed. She had drool down her face. Damn she's knocked out cold. Of course I had to take a picture. I sent it to DJ and he sent back a picture of Camryn with her mouth wide open and his finger in her nose. I tried to hold in my laughter but I laughed so loud Azaana started waking up.

B: Hey baby how are you doing?

I said barely above a whisper.

A: Numb.
B: I guess that's good. You got a new kidney! How does that feel?
A: Numb babe.
B: Oh yeah.

She did a slight chuckle and yawned.

B: You wanna see something?
A: Sure.

I pulled out my phone and showed her the picture of her sleep.

A: Blake you little shit!

I laughed uncontrollably.

B: You look beautiful!
A: Delete that!
B: Yours isn't as bad as Camryn's!

I showed her Camryn's photo and she laughed so loud.

A: You and DJ are horrible!

She said laughing.

A: Speaking of Camryn how is she?
B: I'm not sure I haven't seen her yet. But DJ and I will do a switch.
A: Ok but can you see if the doctor can put both of us in the same room.
B: Of course baby.

I stood up and kissed her forehead.

B: I'll be back baby.

I went into Camryn's room. She was wide awake and laughing looking at DJ's phone. I guess she's seen the pictures too.

C: You and DJ know y'all wrong!

She said laughing loudly.

B: Yours was WAY worse!
D: Ima go check on Z okay baby.
C: Okay.
B: He was talking to me.
C: Blake what did I tell you about trying to still my baby.
B: He was mine first!

We all started laughing hard.

D: Alright I'll see y'all in a little bit.
B: Alright see ya man.

Azaana's POV

I sat in the bed thinking. Thinking about everything. I'll be out for a while. I won't be able to go everywhere. I'll be bored out of my damn mind for the next few months. When I recover I wanna try and have a baby with Blake again. Maybe after the Olympics. I'm not sure that I would be chosen for the women's team, but Blake is for sure a shoe in. After could potentially be a good time. My season would be close to ending. And Blake's season would be on it's way to start. But I could possibly miss most of next years season. I can't miss two seasons. We could have one right after my seas-

A: Oh hey DJ.
D: 'Oh hey DJ' is all I get? Did you not hear my question?! How does it feel to have two kidneys?!
A: I'm still numb buddy.
D: That's true.
A: But it's still exciting! Nigga I can't wait to hoop again!
D: I know! When you do I'm about to whoop yo ass on the court!
A: Last time I made you fall. Stop that.
D: My shoes were untied and the floor was slippery.
A: Yeah whatever. How's Cam?
D: Good. She in there chillin.
A: When she recovers what's y'all plans?
D: I've actually been thinking about marrying her.
A: Oh shit for real?!
D: Yeah. I can't lie. I'm in mad love with her.
A: Aww thanks to me.
D: Yeah. I remember when you had us first meet.
A: Yeah because I got sick of you tryna put Blake and I together. Once you and Camryn finally met. I didn't see neither of you two for about 3 weeks. Y'all come back talkin bout y'all together. I still to this day have no idea what you two did in those 3 weeks.
D: Don't worry about that lil mama. Just know we had a little too much fun.

DJ did that creepy ass smile he always does. I made a stink face in disgust. Nasty asses.

D: But hey, don't tell Cam alright? I know I can trust you, right?
A: Right. Does Blake know?
D: Of course.
A: And he didn't tell me?!
D: I told him not to.

Blake came in with the doctor behind him.

Doctor: Hello Miss Sands! Great to see you awake! Now I wanted to tell you that you may have to stay for about 5-10 days, depending on how fast you recover. Tomorrow you just might be able to get up and walk around the hospital. Before you leave we'll tell you about your medication, lab tests, and follow up care. For the first two to four weeks you can't carry anything heavier than 10 pounds and you won't be able to drive. Your boyfriend here will have to be your personal butler.

I chuckled and winked at Blake. He playfully rolled his eyes. And the doctor went on.

Doctor: After six to eight weeks you can start doing light activities but nothing too fast. For a while stay away from being in crowds or around a little people. Kids that are in any type of daycare have to be arm length away so you don't get sick. Don't eat at buffets and if you are exposed to the sun like a beach day make sure to wear sunscreen because now you have a chance at skin cancer. Got it?
A: Got it.

1 Month Later

Azaana's POV

That has been possibly the slowest fucking month of my life. I couldn't do shit. But Blake has been the most sweetest, caring, loving man. I couldn't have asked for a better fiancé soon to be husband. Now that I have a new healthy kidney, we can start doing our planning. We can finally be Mr. & Mrs. Griffin.

B: Babe?
A: Yeah?
B: I got some really good news!
A: What is it?
B: I got picked to be on the men's USA team!
A: Oh my god that's amazing! Congrats baby!

I hugged and kissed him. I was proud of my baby.

B: I have more news.
A: What else?
B: You were picked to be on the women's team!
A: Oh my god! But what if I can't go?What if my recovery takes longer? I don't know if I can do this.

I started breathing heavy.

B: Babe you got this. You're one of the best players I've ever known. I've seen play on two sprained ankles and a sprained wrist. And the Olympics aren't until next summer so you'll be prepared and ready. You'll get that gold. Got me?
A: Got you.

Blake kissed me on the lips. He stared me in the eyes. He smirked.

B: Do you think you could be sexually active yet?
A: What?
B: We could have a baby now!
A: But isn't it too soon?
B: I don't mean right now. Like soon but not right now.
A: I've actually been thinking about talking to you about it. But I don't wanna miss two seasons and say no to the USA team. So it'll be for a while.
B: What? You're gonna be selfish about this?

Blake got up and stared at me like he was angry.

A: Are you serious? I'm selfish? Blake I just went through surgery. I have to miss a season. And you know how much I hate having to do that! I lost a child not too long ago and I still think about that everyday! But because I want to have a season and play basketball! I'm selfish!
B: Yes! I've been having to cater to you for the past month!
A: Because I've had a fucking kidney transplant! If you didn't wanna fucking help and be there for me you should've said so! I could've took care of myself! But you know what fuck it! I'm better! I can take care of myself! Thank you for helping me this past month, but don't worry, you won't have to do that shit again.

I grabbed my car keys, a few outfits, my phone and was out.

Fuck him.

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