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Azaana's POV

I haven't spoken to Blake for 3 weeks. I've kind of disappeared from the world. Only Camryn knows where I am. The day after our argument, I went back and got a lot more clothes. Blake tried talking to me. He kept saying he was sorry. But I'm sick of "I'm sorry".

I decided to take a trip to Croatia. I've always wanted to come here. It seemed so beautiful. I just wanted to come to clear my head. Find my chill. I've been through a lot of shit lately. Blake telling me he had to "cater to me" making me seem like I made him isn't what made me leave. I mean it was part of the reason but not the main reason. There's just a lot of shit going on. Everyday Blake calls me and sends text messages talking about how much he misses me and that he loves me. I don't ever answer back to them.

DJ calls from time to time. I answer but we don't ever talk about Blake and I. He just asks where I am and how I'm doing. He knows that I've been through a lot and bringing up Blake would be a bad idea.

I talk to Camryn a lot. She says that Blake won't stop stalking her, asking her where I am. I made her swear on our friendship she won't tell anybody. I trust her. I know she won't.

Others try talking to me too. I really only answer to DJ, Camryn, and Marieka. I would answer to Taylor but he sounds and looks too much like Blake.

Today, I've decided to take a swim in the ocean. I've been to scared because I don't want to catch any germs and mess up my kidney again. But then I realized I sat on a plane full of people for 13 hours. I walked out my hotel suite and was on my way to the elevator. Once I got downstairs I was going outside towards the parking lot. I saw a man that had a huge ass camera with him and knew it was a pap. I snook around the back hoping he wouldn't see me and jumped into my car. I set the GPS for the beach and was on my way.

When I got out the car, I felt the fresh smell of the ocean. I felt the sand get in between my toes. I spread my towel out and sat there for a moment. I stared off into the ocean. I thought about how much I miss playing basketball. I miss being on the court. Luckily I've been recovering really fast. That means I'm cleared to play next season and go to the Olympics. I plan to have a ring and a gold medal. Man, I can't wait to be back.

While I was in my thoughts staring off into the ocean, about 6 or 7 towels were laid out next to me.

A: Seriously there's like a whole entire beach.

I said before looking up. When I looked up, it was Camryn, DJ, Ashley Reed, Liv Reed, Marieka, Taylor, and no other Mr. Blake Griffin himself.

B: Hey Azaana.

I was pissed. I got up grabbed my towel and tried to leave. They all formed a circle around me.

M: C'mon please don't leave. We wanted to see you.

A: Camryn you told everybody?!

C: I didn't say shit. You're in all of the magazines and on TV.

A: Wait I am?

?: You are.

I turned around to see who said that. It was the man with the big ass camera.

?: I've been following you everywhere. Thanks for my paycheck.

A: Fuck will you people ever leave me alone?! Go die in a fucking hole!

The man put up his hands in defense and backed away.

A: And all of you could you guys leave me alone. Don't you all understand I want to be alone. I don't want to be bothered. I need time to think.

AR: We miss you.

A: Ashley we hardly talk.

AR: But you're fun as shit to hang out with.

B: Babe, can we talk?

A: About what? There's nothing to talk about.

B: Nothing to talk about? Why'd you leave so quick? I know what I said was wrong and I didn't mean it. You know I've been going through a lot.

A: You've been going through a lot? I know you're going through some tough stages, but you have nothing on me.

B: Just stop. I know I haven't had kidney failure, and I haven't had a miscarriage, and I can still play basketball without having to miss a season. But I've had to deal with my fiancé's ex boyfriend that wanted to marry her try and still you away. I've had to deal with trying to keep you happy so you don't leave me. I've been worried about losing you again. And I've been trying so hard to stay positive for you, even when my heart is still broken that the I've never got to hold my second child, from the love of my life... I got shit on my case too.

I never thought of how he felt. I didn't think he was feeling that way. My problems are bad but Blake's problems are bad too. And they're all about me. I'm a problem. I'm a problem as in he thinks he'll lose me. But he won't. I just needed some time to myself.

Everyone was quiet and staring at me waiting for my response. I didn't know what to say. I grabbed Blake's hand and led him to my car. I made him get in.

B: Where are we going?

A: Do you guys stay in the same hotel as me?

B: Uh yeah. Is that where we're going.

I kept driving.

B: Is it? C'mon answer.

When we pulled up to the hotel, I jumped out and went to Blake's side. He was moving to slow for me. I pulled his hand again. I took him upstairs to my hotel room. He closed the door behind him.

B: Now can we talk?

I turned around a looked at him. I pulled him close and kissed him lustfully. Things started getting hot. I pulled and tugged at the strings on his swim trunks. I threw off his SnapBack and put my hand up his shirt feeling his abs. Blake ran his hands through my curly hair. His other hand cuffed and squeezed my ass. I wanted Blake and I wanted him now. I bit his lip and he picked me up. He laid me down on the bed ever so gently. He took my shirt off and kissed me from neck to my belly button.

B: I've missed you baby.

He whispered against my skin.

B: I'm gonna take care of you. I love you.

Blake pulled my bikini bottoms off. And he pulled off his swim trunks.

B: Let me take care of you.

He whispered before he entered me slowly.

The Love We Never Lost (Blake Griffin)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin