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Azaana's POV:

I ran into the tattoo shop with a big smile on my face. I ran to the counter I talked to a lady that had a lot of tattoos named Lana.

A: Hi! I want to get a tattoo on my hips.

L: Great! What kind of tattoo were you thinking?

A: On my left hip I want to get "Past" in bold letters. And on the right I want "Future" with the same font.

L: Alright step into my office.

I smiled and squeezed Blake's hand.

A: You stayin out here?

B: Yeah.

I followed Lana to her "office." I sat in the chair and she drew how the tat would look. I nodded eagerly giving her the "ok."

I laid down on my side so she could do her job.

L: So what's the story behind this tattoo? I mean I can see what happened with the scars and everything but why do you want it?

A: Well, it's been about 9 - 10 months since I've self harmed. But the last time I self harmed was the night I tried to kill myself. But that night helped me realize that I could've lost so many amazing people and things that I could never get back. So every since that day I stopped cutting. After I stopped, I started smoking and drinking a lot. My friends and my boyfriend were getting really worried about me and I stopped drinking and smoking for the past month.

I started tearing up, thinking about my past.

A: But the reason I want it on my hips is because, it all started there. The cuts, smoking, and drinking. All started from my hips. My right hip is the clean side. It's still pure, fresh. That's my future. Clean and fresh.

Lana was quiet for a moment, then spoke.

L: Wow.

A: What?

L: You're a really strong person.

A: Thanks.

L: So if you don't mind me asking what made you start in the first place?

A: There was always a lot of pressure from my family, then my boyfriend's fans gave me a lot of hate.

L: His fans?

A: Yeah he's in the NBA.

L: Really? I wouldn't know I'm not that interested in basketball. How'd you guys meet?

A: In 9th grade at a basketball tournament. He was from Oklahoma and I was from Sacramento.

L: Damn you guys been together that long?

A: Yup, he's my best friend.

I smiled and Lana continued with the tattoo. Our small talk helped me get through the tat. Time flew by quick an she was done.

I got up off the chair excited to see me knew tattoo. She walked me over to the mirror.

A: Wait I want Blake to see first.

I called out Blake's name and he came into the back. His eyes grew wide and he smiled. I looked in the mirror and squealed.

A: Oh my god! I love it! It's perfect! Thank you so much!

I hugged Lana.

A: You did an amazing job!

L: Thank you and remember your future is clean and fresh.

I smile and nodded.

I paid for it and walked out holding Blake's hand.

B: It really does look good on you.

A: You should get one.

B: Yeah no thanks, pain isn't my thing.

A: Oh whatever it didn't even hurt that bad.

B: I'm not getting one.

A: Fine, but you're missing out.

B: I'm cool with that.

Blake's phone rang.

B: Can you answer that for me?

I grabbed his phone and slid it right answering it.

A: Hello?

???: I'm not done with you.

A: What? Who is this?

???: We aren't finished. It's not over.

They hung up.

A: The hell?

B: Who was it?

A: I don't know they didn't say. All they said was "I'm not done with you" and "We aren't finished."

Blake pulled over, I guess he knows who it was.

B: You have to leave town.

A: I already told you no.

B: I know that was Vin. He's not finished with us.

A: I'm not leaving and that's fin-

The back window of the car busted open with glass going everywhere. Oh hell no. Somebody's ass is about to be beat.



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