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"What the fuck you waaant?" I asked the girl that thinks she's good enough for my man.
"You should know, that Blake doesn't really want you. I mean who would? You have the body shape of a man and a big ass forehead" She started laughing an annoying ass laugh.

"First of all, I don't think you should really talk, everyone can see your rolls threw your shirt, and you should do something about those tracks showing in the front, also shave your legs you look a little like a wolf. Ps Gucci is spelled G-U-C-C-I not G-U-C-H-I." I said pointing at her knock off purse. She stood staring at me, then I saw Blake.

"Now excuse me.. Whatever your name is, I'm going to see my lovely boyfriend." I walked pass her not looking back. I ran over to Blake who picked me up making me giggle.

A: Babe! Put me down!
B: Aww but the groupies are getting jealous.
A: Yeah one of them kept talking to me?
B: The one with the bad hair?
A: Haha yes that one. Now put me down.
B: Fine.
He put me down and held my hands.

B: So what happened? What'd she say? Because I know you don't go off on people for no reason.

When I opened my mouth to speak Chris and DJ came by.

DJ: Press Conference time.
I closed my mouth and pecked his lips.
A: I'll tell you later.
B: Alright but walk with me over there? I don't feel safe leaving you around all these obsessive girls.
A: I'll be fine babe.
B: Please just come with me?
A: Fine.

I signaled Camryn to come with me I didn't want to be alone outside the doors waiting. While we walked Camryn caught up with DJ. It was just me and Blake walking, well except for a few of the girls trailing behind us taking pictures. Most of Blake's female fans are supportive, but I still get hate from some of them. When Blake put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head, I heard a lot of "Awws". When we got to the Conference room, Blake pecked my lips and said "I'll be right back baby. I love you." I responded with "I love you too babe." and smacked his ass when he turned around. I giggled when he jumped a little and tried to still look professional. When I walked over to the bench across from the doors with Camryn the fans that followed us came over and talked to us.

Girl1: Hi can I have a picture with you two?
A: Of course honey.

I stood up to take a picture as well as Camryn did. We took a few then sat back down. Later more girls came and soon there were a whole mob of girls surrounding us. None of them tried anything crazy so we didn't mind. They asked questions like "What's it like being in the WNBA with someone who is in the NBA doesn't it seem like you're both busy?" and "When are you guys gonna start living together?" and "When's the wedding?" I thought it was all cute how they were interested. Camryn got asked questions similar to mine. When it got too crowded me and Camryn started standing on the benches talking. We made sure they were quite so we wouldn't interrupt the conference. I took a lot of pictures with the fans an had a good time. It ended when the boys came walking out confused on what's going on. I smiled and jumped down while all the girls started taking pictures. A few security guards came running down the hall towards us yelling at the girls to leave. I frowned and yelled "It was nice meeting all of you!" I jumped down from the bench and walked over to Blake.

B: What the hell happened out here?
DJ: Yeah we leave two women out here and come back out and see 70.
Cam: Babe there wasn't that many.
CP: There were hella fans out here though.
A: We were just chillin. Askin some questions. We had fun. Now let's goooo!
CP: First tell us what happened during the game.

I explained what happened. Everyone started laughing and said I handled it well since I'm "a violent person". Slam a girls head into a glass door one time and you're automatically a violent person. Chris left to go get Jada so they could go home to their kids. I adore their family. Maybe one day I could have that with Blake.

B: We should go eat.
A: What's open at 12:30am?
B: Wendy's duh.
He rolled his eyes playfully like a girl. We both laughed and walked to his car. He drove me over to where I parked so we could just meet up at Wendy's. When I got out and walked to my door the same bitch that was talking to me earlier popped up out of nowhere.

A: Why are you stalking me?!
"I just wanna talk."

Blake got out of the car and walked over to me.

B: What's going on? Who are you? What are you doing here?
"Blakey don't ask to many questions"
A: Bitch leave! Toodles! Tata!
"Babe are you gonna let her talk to me like that?!"
B: Who the fuck are you?!
"It's me Naomi."
B: Well Naomi I don't know you. Leave now.
N: Baby.
A: He's not your fucking baby.
She scowled at me and I laughed.
A: You look so pathetic right now. Just leave honey.
N: I'll see you later Blakey.
B: No, no you won't.

She then walked away to where ever she came from. I turned back to Blake kissed him and got in my car. I followed him to Wendy's in our separate cars. When we got there we talked about our night and some of the great plays he made in the game. I talked about my great time with the fans. We somewhat talked about moving in together, but nothing really serious. When we finished eating we went back to my house and continued talking about moving in together. How different it would be and who's house we would move into. Most likely his. Blake laid on me in his normal position. His head laid on my chest while I rubbed on his back playing with his curls. He says he does that because he likes listening to my heart beat. I know it's just because he wants his face in my boobs. But I like moments like these with Blake. Where we lay down and just talk about everything. I think everyone deserves someone where they could talk about any and everything and I'm lucky to have that with Blake. I'm glad that I turned my best friend into my lover. I finally got a good guy.
I thought of a special guy on that last part❤️.

The Love We Never Lost (Blake Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now