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Azaana's POV:

B: We need to talk.
A: About?
B: How you're acting. You're different.
A: Is that a problem for you? Because I don't see anything wrong with me.
B: Yes it's a fucking problem. You aren't the same. Nobody wants to be around you anymore. You're pushing everyone away. Me, your friends, your family, everyone. You've turned into an asshole.
A: I'd rather be an asshole than a fucking lier. And no one cared how I felt a long time ago.
B: Stop acting like you don't give a fuck anymore!
A: I'm not acting. I didn't give a fuck yesterday, I don't give a fuck today.. and I'm pretty sure I won't give a fuck tomorrow. No one cares about me anymore!
B: I do! I've always cared about you! I still love you!
A: Love could sometimes be a lie.
B: Who are you?
A: The fuck?
B: You're not the same Azaana Sands I met in 9th grade.
A: Yeah she died 2 months ago. Meet the new and improved.
B: Wow.
A: Well I'm going out tonight.
B: Where?
A: I don't know anywhere but here.
B: What time will you be back?
A: When I feel like it mom.

I walked upstairs to my closet. I wanted to wear something black and tight. I settled on a black knee high dress that had one long sleeve. I found some black stilettos that matched perfectly. I did a smokey eye makeup with red lipstick. I straightened my hair and added curls. I checked myself out in the mirror and smirked at how good I looked. I went downstairs to find Blake sitting on the couch watching tv. I walked over to him and sat on his lap. I turned facing him and started making out with him. When I stopped to catch my breath I put my forehead on his.

B: What was that for?
A: For- for still caring and for still being on my side.
B: I'll always be on your side. I love you.
A: I love you too baby. I'll be home before 3.
B: Alright.

I got up to leave but Blake grabbed my hand.

B: Don't be too crazy tonight alright?
A: Okay baby. I'll see you later.

I was totally gonna be crazy tonight. it's no fun if I'm not. I hopped in my car headed to my fav nightclub The Mayan.

When I got there I walked passed the line and straight into the club. I walked in feeling goooood! Everyone was turnt up, the club was live and I was ready to party! I went to the bar for a drink.

A: A shot of vodka please?
Bartender: Yes ma'am.
Stranger: Make that two.

I turned around to see a tall Samoan guy with long black hair and a amazing ass arm tattoo. He was fine as hell! And he looked familiar.

A: Uh hi.
Cute Ass: Hey, you look familiar.
A: You do too.
Cute Ass: Well I'm on WWE. My stage name is Roman Reigns but my real name is Leati Anoa'i.
A: Well I'm just gonna call you Roman because your name is difficult. But I play in the WNBA for the sparks. I'm a shooting guard. My names Azaana Sands but I let people call me Z if it's too much.
R: Yeaah I'll just call Z.
We both laughed.
R: So are you here alone?
A: Yeah, my boyfriend is at home.
R: Boyfriend? I'll make you forget about him.
A: Haha I don't know about all that.
I smiled at his attempt at flirting.
R: Wow your smile is beautiful.
A: Thanks. But your tattoo is freaking awesome.
I said pointing at his muscular arm.
R: Thanks it took hella long to get done.
A: I always wanted to get one but I was always scared.
R: You should get one! It's not as bad as everyone thinks it is.
A: I don't know I've always hated needles.
R: Well I'll go with you and you can squeeze the hell out of my hand.
A: I don't even know if I'm getting one yet!
I smiled.
R: Well when you think about it and you do. I'll be right there.
A: Well thanks haha.

The bartender gave us our shots and we raised our glass for a toast.

R: To the first of many, with a very beautiful girl who has a stupid boyfriend that let her go out by herself.
We both laughed.
A: Just shut up and drink it.
R: Alright, alright fine.

I've been in this club for hours. I'm so turnt I don't even care what time it is! And Roman has been fun as hell! We had a rotation drink, drink, drink, dance, dance, dance. Right now we're dancing to Gorilla by Bruno Mars. I'm dancing with my back turned to Roman while he has his hands on my hips, while I sway my body back and forth to the beat.

R: Damn you can dance.
I smirked I was to drunk to have a comeback.
R: Come with me.

Roman grabbed my hand and took me to his car.

A: What are we doing here? You're not gonna rape me are you?
R: What the fuck? No.
A: Well what's happening?
R: I'm taking you home.
A: Whhhyyyyyyyy!
I started stomping my feet and having a tantrum like a kid.
R: That's why.
A: Well how are you getting home?
R: I took a cab. I don't live out here.
A: Ohhhh.

We got into my car and I told him my address. I started singing to the songs on the radio probably sounding horrible, but Roman was being nice and started singing with me, I guess to make me feel like I wasn't gonna look stupid alone.

A: You know Roman, you're really sexy.
R: Oh I am?
A: Yeah, like, if I wasn't with Blake- I would've fucked you.
I started laughing loud.
R: You and I both.
He said lowly.
R: So how do you like this Blake guy?
A: Oh I love him, but he's annoying sometimes. I think he cheats on me when he's on the road for games.
R: Games? Like what?
A: He's in the NBA.
R: Ohh he's Blake Griffin?
A: Bingo!
R: Oh he seems like a nice guy coming from his interviews after games.
A: He is, but sometimes he's not. Sometimes he's a sneaky ass liar.
R: How?
A: Well before we were together he got a girl pregnant and he told me a month after the baby was born. We've been best friends every since 9th grade. I thought that was fucked up of him.
R: Yeah I see where you're coming from. But you know if you need a real man, you have my number.
A: I'll keep that in mind. But you know what I don't want to go home.
R: Where do you want to go?
A: I wanna stay with you. Can I stay the night with you? But I don't want to have sex with you.
R: I don't think your boyfriend would like that.
A: He doesn't have to know! I'll text him.
R: Alright.

A: Hey baby, I ran into Marisa at the club tonight. I'm staying over at her hotel for the night. Love you😘.

Boyfriend🔐: Ok you two have a goodnight and tell her I said hi. Love you too babe😘.

R: What'd he say?
A: He said have a nice night.
R: Alright, my hotel it is.

When we got to the hotel. I grabbed Romans jacket and put it over my head in case of any paparazzi.

When we got into Romans hotel room he handed me a large shirt and a pair of his boxers. I changed in the bathroom. When I came out he had on just black shorts revealing his bare chest. And let me say, he has a better body than Blake's! God damn he's sexy! He turned around and smirked.

R: You look so cute in my clothes.
A: Shut up.
I chuckled.

He handed me a bottle of water and two Advil. After I took it we both sat on the bed. He turned on the tv and sat next to me. I turned and stared at him with a smile on my face.

R: What?
A: I've wanted to braid your hair all night!
R: Well go ahead.
A: OMG seriously?
R: No.
I started to pout.
A: Mean.
R: Aww come here.

He held his arms open for a hug which I accepted. We hugged for a long time. Then I looked up at him. And he looked down at me. We stared into each other's eyes, he leaned forward, and I leaned forward then........

Roman Reigns hella bad tho❤️😘😍 google him if you don't know him!

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