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Azaana's POV:

He was leaning in. I was leaning in. We both knew what we wanted. Roman has these pink perfectly shaped lips, that I so craved so much. And without thinking about the consequences, his lips pressed against mine. I placed my hand at the back of his neck and pushed him even more into the kiss. He placed his hands on my hips and picked me up so I was sitting on his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair. I gripped his shorts. He started tugging at the hem of my shirt. He stopped kissing me then took off my shirt. We started continuing to kiss again. Roman started kissing my neck, when he kissed the spot Blake always chose I knew I was wrong to be here.

A: Stop. Stop. Stop!
R: What? What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?
A: We both did. I shouldn't be here.
R: I'm sorry. I couldn't help it.
A: It's not your fault, but I have to go.
R: Alright, well at least let me walk you out?
A: Ok thanks.

I couldn't go home and look at Blake right now. I wanted to go to Camryn's house. Hopefully I could get in without DJ knowing. I pulled out my phone and called her before time.

C: Who the fuck is this callin me hella late and shit.
A: Girl it's me! Can I stay the night?
C: What's wrong with your house?
A: I'll explain it all when I get there. Can I stay or not?
C: Of course bring your ass over here.
A: Thanks boo. I'll see you in a minute.
C: Ok bye.

I hung up the phone and walked over to Roman. He handed me a jacket of his that had his scent all over it. I inhaled it all since he smelt so good. He rapped me up in a huge bear hug, that lasted for a while, but I liked it he was warm.

R: Are you sure want to leave?
A: Nope, but it's the right thing to do.
R: Finnneeee.

I opened the door to the cool breeze in the hallway. He held my hand to the elevator until we were in the lobby. I turned to say bye but he insisted on taking me to my car.

When we got to my car, Roman opened the door for me and let me in the car. I turned to face him while I was sitting. He looked pretty bummed that I was leaving, I kind of was too. When I leaned in for another hug, Roman pecked my lips.

A: Seriously dude? You gotta stop.
R: Ugh I'm sorry. Your lips are just so full and luscious.

He leaned again, but I stopped him.

R: See it's not me it's your lips!
A: Haha whatever. I'll talk to you later. Tell Seth and Dean I said hi.
R: Ohhhh so you do watch the show!
A: Maybe sometimes, when do you leave?
R: Not till next Friday. Maybe I can see you before I go?
A: Sure. But no kissing.
R: I'll try.
A: Haha alright see you later.
R: Bye beautiful.

He closed the door and walked back to the hotel. I started my car and drove off. All the songs on the radio were about love and heart break, two things I really didn't need to hear about.

I pulled up into Camryn's driveway and texted her saying I was outside. I stood in front of her door waiting for her to open it. When she did she grabbed my arm forcing me to come in.

A: Damn bitch chill.
C: What happened? Tell me. Tell me nowwww.
A: You didn't tell DJ I was coming right?
C: No that nigga don't need to know everything. Now tell me what happened!

I explained to her everything that happened tonight over a cup of apple juice. She seemed pretty shock at what happened.

C: Well Roman is fine as hell.
A: I know but I was still wrong.
C: Well do you still love Blake?
A: Sometimes.
C: Sometimes?
A: Yeah, because it's like all he does is bitch about how I've been drinking and smoking. He's always on my ass about coming home late. He's been irritating the hell out of me.
C: Well he cares about you.
A: Well he cares to much.
C: Do you wanna be with Roman?
A: I don't know.
C: You have two fine niggas pick one.
A: But it's so hard.
I said while putting my hands over my face. For some reason with Roman I feel different. With Blake it feels like there used to be a spark, but I don't feel it anymore.

C: I need to meet Roman first, before I can help you.
A: I don't know about all that.
C: Bitch why?!
A: Because you ask to many damn questions.
C: I do?
A: That's one.
C: One what?
A: That's two.
C: What the fuck are you talking about? Are you high?
A: I'm talking about questions and no, not yet.
C: Whatever, I'm tired I'll talk to you in the morning.
A: Ok.


I woke up and looked at my clock. 8am, maybe I should go home. I left Camryn a text because knowing her she probably still asleep. I checked my phone on the way to the car. I got four text from Blake.

Boyfriend🔐: Hey babe text me when you wake up.

Boyfriend🔐: What hotel did you stay with Marisa at?

Boyfriend🔐: Who is Roman Reigns?

Boyfriend🔐: We need to fuckin talk.

Shit. He knows. It's probably on E! I don't get why he fuckin watches that shit. Fuck now I have to go home to have an argument. We might even break up. I don't know if I'm sad about it or not. Lately I haven't felt anything towards Blake. Maybe this is good. Not for me, but for him. He deserves better.

I pulled in to the garage getting out of my car preparing for the worse. I walked in the house and Blake was sitting on the kitchen counter looking as sad as ever.

A: ... Hi....
B: Who is he?
A: A friend.
B: A friend that you stayed the night with?
A: I didn't stay with him I stayed at Camryn's. DJ didn't know I was there.
B: Am I supposed to believe that?!
A: Believe what you want.
B: What did you do with him? Did you fuck him?!
A: No!
B: Then what happened?!
I sighed and sat down in a chair in front of him. I knew it was going to hurt him when I say it.
A: We- we kissed. That's all.

Blake didn't even say anything. He just got up and grabbed a bag that he had placed on the couch. He started walking to the door.

A: Where are you going?
B: To Naomi's house. Oh yeah and it's over.

And he slammed the door closed. I still don't know what I was feeling. I wasn't sad, or angry, or happy. I didn't feel anything. I texted Camryn.

To Camryn💯👭: Blake might be at your house in a few minutes. He says he's going to Naomi's because we broke up or whatever. We all know he's not going there.

Next I texted Roman.

To Roman👅🔥: Apparently I'm single.

From Roman👅🔥: Are you ok? Do you want me to come over?

To Roman👅🔥: Yes and yes.

From Camryn💯👭: That nigga here😂😂 better get it in with Roman!

To Camryn💯👭: Lol he's already on his way over here.

From Camryn💯👭: Damn bitch you move fast. And you never called dibs. I CALL DIBS.

To Camryn💯👭: No honey you have DJ👌

From Camryn💯👭: Oh yeah. I love my baby tho.

I put my phone down and took a shower and got dressed. 20 minutes later Roman was at the door.

A: Hey.
R: Hello beautiful.
A: Come in.

When I turned around to lead Roman in. He grabbed me by my waist and hugged me from behind making me giggle. We sat on the couch and talked about the break up.

R: Come here.

I scooted over and he picked me up putting me in his lap. He kissed my cheek.

R: You were to good for him anyway.

He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. I turned to face him and pressed my lips against his. Getting into it again like we did last night. We were laying on the couch with him on top of me. Then we heard someone say. "What the fuck?!"

I look up to see it's Blake.

B: We break 20 fuckin minutes and he's here already?!
A: Remember I'm single.
B: No fuck that!
R: Calm down bro.
B: You shut the fuck up!
R: Who are you talking to?!
B: The fake ass wrestler!

Roman got up and went face to face with Blake. Blake was towering over Roman, but Roman obviously had more muscle.

R: Say that shit again.
B: The fake ass-

Damn he hit him hard.
So like did everyone look up Roman Reigns or...? Cuz he's SEXYYYY!

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