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Azaana's POV:

I woke up not sure where I was. I searched with my eyes around the room that didn't look familiar. I looked down praying that I still had my clothes on, thank god I do. I sit up still trying to figure out where I am. The door opens and in walks a man I thought I'd never see again. A man I was so done with, so angry with... Ronnie. My eyes furrowed in confusion on why he helped me and why I'm here. I balled up my fist and stood up off the bed.

R: Ok, ok before you say anything-

A: What the hell happened? Why am I here?!

R: Ok so this group of guys were trying to hurt you and I was driving by. All I saw was a girl in the circle fighting to get loose, so I ran over and fought the guys off of you. When I realized it was you, you were knocked out cold, so I brought you back here.

I sat down back on the bed and loosened my fist. I ran my fingers through my hair, and breathed in and out. I can't believe that all happened. I looked at Ronnie who was still staring at me.

A: Did that really happen?

R: Yup.

A: Well, thank you, but I have to get home.

R: Well don't you want to stay a little longer?

A: No I had a long enough night. I'm ready to go home.

R: Alright get in the car.

I walked downstairs into the garage standing by Ronnie's car waiting on him. In the time of waiting, I thought about what happened between Blake and I. It hurts that he tried that on me, but it was the right thing to do to let him go. I was too much of a burden on him. He shouldn't have to worry about me and my life. I believe that I'm fine and I'm so sick of him and everyone else trying to change me. I love Blake, but if he can't accept who I am, then we cannot be together, or even friends. I've done so much for everyone and they still want more.

I wipe away a tear when Ronnie comes outside.

R: You alright?

A: Yup

I put on a fake smile and nod. He unlocks the car and we get in. While driving I was still in my thoughts staring out the window. Ronnie grabs my hand and squeezes it lightly. I turn to him.

R: What is it? Is about what the guys did?

A: No.

R: It's him then, isn't it?

I nod, and he looks down, shakes his head then smirks.

R: You know I still think about you right?

A: Then why the hell did you pour that shit on me?!

R: I was jealous, childish, hurt. You should've been with me.

A: I would've been in the same position.

R: No you wouldn't. You wouldn't have tried to kill yourself, you wouldn't need rehab, you wouldn't be cutting yourself, you'd be safe.

A: I was safe.

R: Really? Then why did I have to save your ass a few hours ago?


R: Exactly.

A: He's not that bad.

R: He's not that good either.

A: Why do you hate him so much?

R: Because he doesn't deserve you!

A: Well we aren't together anymore.

R: Really? What happened?

A: Long story short I made out with a guy while I was drunk and lied he wanted to get back together, but I knew it wouldn't be the same.

R: So you guys are friends still right?

A: Not after today.

R: What happened today?

A: He told me we were going to have fun today, but took me to an intervention saying that I need help. I ended our friendship and left.

R: Well didn't you go to rehab already?

A: Yeah, they don't want me smoking and drinking now.

R: Well smoking is a problem since you're an athlete and-

A: Look I don't need a lecture.

R: Alright fine. But maybe you shouldn't smoke.

A: It's just weed.

R: That's still not good.

A: Whatever.

We pulled up to my drive way, I hugged Ronnie thanking him again for everything. When I went inside, the lights were all on. I walked to the living room seeing Blake sitting in a chair.

A: What are you doing here?!

B: Did you really mean everything you said?

I looked him in the eye. He looked so sad, so broken. His eyes looked puffy from crying. I walked over to him and put my hand in his. I brushed his cheek with my other hand. I kept my eyes locked on his. He wrapped his other hand around my waist bringing me closer. I locked lips with his for more than a minute. He tugged and pulled at my clothes signaling he wanted them off, but this wasn't that type of kiss. It wasn't a make up kiss. It was a goodbye kiss. I pulled back from the kiss catching my breath. I put my forehead against his. He pecked a kiss on my lips. A tear started to fall from my eye.

A: This is goodbye.

B: What?

A: We can't be friends anymore.

B: But-

A: I'm setting you free.

B: Aza-

A: Goodbye Blake.

I let go of his hand and got loose from his grip. I walked away going upstairs. I stopped at the first step.

A: You can let yourself out.

And started walking again. Then I stopped again.

A: And Blake.

B: Yes?

A: I'll always love you too.

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