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Azaana's POV

So shit just went down at this fuckin date. Naomi tried to get smart then got her ass beat by Camryn. Everyone is still staring and starting to take pictures of us. I walk outside because I need to process what the hell just happened. Once I exit the doors, even more flashes start to appear. Fuckin paps. They were yelling out things to me, but I wasn't even listening. Then I heard "Is it true you're pregnant by either Blake or Roman?!" I looked to his camera and flipped him off yelling "FUCK OFF!" Then I get circled by all of them with no way out. I start looking around, hoping someone would help me out. Then I feel someone grab my arm and pull me out of the circle to my rescue. I look up at my hero and see Blake.

B:You alright?
A:Ye- Yeah I'm fine.
I say out of breath.
B:Good. I talked to Roman, he's cool with me taking you home.
A:That doesn't mean I'm cool with it.
B:Why are you so mean to me?
A:I'm no where near to being mean to you.
B:Well why can't I take you home?
A:Because you'll probably try to pull something on me, or say something sly about me and you.
B:..... I promise I won't.
A:You sure?
B:I swear.

We walked over to his car, and he opened the door for me, I smiled as a way of saying thank you. While we were in the car, there was an awkward silence. I pulled a blunt out of my bag since I was still stressed about what happened tonight. I pulled out a lighter and started it. Right before I was about to put it in my mouth, Blake grabbed it and threw it out the window.

A:What the fuck?!
B:Why do you do it?
A:I'm stressed, it's a new escape, at least I'm not cutting anymore, isn't that what everyone wanted?
B:Yes, but it doesn't mean we want you to drugs. Why don't you find a new escape?
A: Because you were my escape.
I whispered it under my breath, but I'm sure he heard me.
B:You're the one that didn't want to try again.
A:Because then you wouldn't look at me the same!
B:I will always look at you the same.
A:No you won't because you brought some hoe to try and hurt me!
Blake pulled over and stopped the car. He looked forward, then down, then at me.
B:That wasn't my intension.
He spoke lowly.
B:I still love you very much. I wanted to make you jealous so you would come back to me. But it's not working. I love you to the point where it fuckin hurts. And you've been such a different person for the last few months. Cutting, suicidal attempt, drugs, alcohol. That's not you. That never was you. You put me through so much shit and I still love you more than anything. And I know you still love me. I'm ready for us to be there again when you're ready. I'll accept being friends if that what you want. But everyday I think about you. You're too good for drugs. So please stop. I can't see you like this anymore.
A:Well what do you expect?! I hardly have anyone to help me! Everyone is having me do what they want and I'm tired of it!
B:You have me, Camryn, DJ, your whole team. We just want you to see you have a positive life. We care about you.
He wipes away a tear from my eye that I didn't even know about. I look away and Blake knows the conversation is over. He starts the car again and drives off.

What am I gonna do?
Sorry for how short it is. But I've missed you guys!!😘😘😘

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