38 Part 2

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Azaana's POV:

I call around for a few teammates. Most of them say yes. I jump in the shower and do my whole hygiene thing. I dress in Sparks basketball shorts, a black tank top, and yellow and purple Hyperdunks. I put my hair in a low ponytail and put on a little bit of mascara. I take Blake and I's bag downstairs. I put waters and fruits in our bags. When I finish I sat on the counter waiting for Blake. My phone rang signaling I had a text. When I saw his name flash across the screen I roll my eyes in irritation. Vin.

Vin😑: Hey wanna go for lunch today? I miss you.

A: No I'm with my boyfriend today I don't think it's a good idea to be talking to you anymore.

Vin😑: What? Why? I thought we were friends?

A: We were but I'm only hurting myself if I keep you in my life and I just can't trust that you "changed".

Vin😑: We talked about this I thought you forgave me?!

A: I do forgive you, I'm just forgetting you. I'm leaving you in my past. Goodbye.

I put my phone down and turned it off. Blake came downstairs looking sexy as ever. I caught myself staring at him and he noticed.

B: I look good don't I?

A: You look sexy baby.

I walked over to him and pecked his lips. He picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I giggled into his neck while kissing it. He cuffed my ass then crashed his lips into mine. He backed me into a wall. He attempted to get my shirt off but I stopped him.

A: We have a scrimmage to attend!

B: Ugghhh fine lets go... But by the way, you look sexy in those shorts.

I giggled and grabbed my phone, keys, and bag. We hopped in the car and was headed to the Clippers facility.


We walked in the gym to see everyone here. We were pretty late because of the hot make out session we had at the house.

ChrisP: Finally!

CandaceP: Light skins take long to get dressed you know that CP.

A: Candace you're light skin too what are you even talking about.

CandaceP: I'm team dark skin.

A: Wow in denial.

DJ: Can we get this scrimmage crackin or nah?

KristiT: Leggo!

We split up in teams and was getting ready to kick ass. My team was Jamal Crawford, DJ, Alana Beard, and Candace Parker. Blake's team was Chris Paul, Kristi Toliver, JJ Redick, and Lindsey Harding.


We won the first game, then lost the second. We were about to start the third for a tie breaker, losers had to pay for everyone's dinner. We all walked on the court about to start, but the gym door flew open. Everyone turned their head in confusion as to who it was. He walked in and he did not look happy.

B: What are you doing here?!

A: Blake. I got this.

Blake quiet down, so did everyone else waiting for what I was gonna say next. I stepped forward and opened my mouth to speak.

A: Vin why are you here?

V: Because I don't understand. Why don't you want to see me?! Is it because of him?! Mr. NBA?! Why did you choose him over me?! What does he have other than money that I don't?! Why do you act like you don't love me anymore?!

A: Why are you doing this here?

V: Because I want answers!

A: Fine, you want answers? I'll give em to you. But I'm being blunt this time. I don't want to see you anymore because you're a horrible person, who does horrible shit. It's not because of him. And he's actually a man and doesn't hit women. I chose him over you because he's such a better person than you. It's not the money. I don't act like I don't love you anymore. I seriously stopped caring about you months ago. You don't give me butterflies anymore, you give me headaches. My heart doesn't skip a beat when I hear your name or when I see you, I just get sick to my stomach. I don't think about you all day, you never cross my mind. Blake has all of that now.

I turned and walked back to Blake. I smiled then held his hand.

A: Blake is what I want, he's what I need, because if I didn't have him I'd still be stuck in hell with you.

Vin put his head down. I saw a tear escape from his eye, but I wasn't going to give him sympathy.

DJ: I think it's time for to go man.

V: I love you Azaana.

A: I love myself too. Now leave. You asked for your answers and you got them. Go and learn how to be a man.

He clenched his fist and walked towards me fast, everyone stood in front of me, including my girls, defending me.

JJ: You touch her and I swear you will crawl out of here.

Vin backed up and walked away slowly. When he reached the door he turned and looked at me then Blake.

V: It's not over yet.

B: It's been over buddy.

Vin left and everyone got in a group hug. All I felt were sweaty arms on me.

A: Ewww you guys stink!

Jamal: You know we got your back right?

A: As do I for you all.

He pounded my fist and walked back on the court. Blake came up behind me and held my waist. I turned facing him who was smiling.

A: What?

B: I love you so much.

A: I love you too.

He kissed my cheek and hugged me.

A: Alright now let's go whoop your ass in this game.


Vin's POV:

This is far from over. I don't get why she has to act like she doesn't love me anymore. Its pretty obvious to me. If only Blake's stupid ass wasn't still in the way. I need to find a way to get rid of him, make him disappear. I want Azaana back. She was mine. She still is mine. She will always be mine. She always was mine.

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