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Azaana's POV

Blake and I basically lounged around the hotel for most of the day. Tonight we all plan on going out to a club. We were supposed to be ready in 20 minutes but Blake keeps playing games. I'm already ready, but Blake is still laying down trying to cuddle.

B: You look sexy.

A: You would too if you would get up and get dressed!

B: I don't think I wanna go.

A: Blake come on you can't be anti social.

B: But I just wanna lay here with you.

A: We've been in here all day together.

B: Ughhhh.

Blake got up and walked outside onto the balcony. But his clothes are in the other direction. I walked out behind him. I hugged him from behind wrapping my arms around his large waist. I put the side of my face on his bare back. I played with his belly button making him laugh.

A: Babe can you please get ready?

B: I really don't wanna go.

A: Blake Austin Griffin if your ass isn't ready within the next 10 minutes, I will throw your ass over this balcony.

Blake threw my hands off of him and ran inside. I laughed as I watched him speed around the room trying to get dressed.

He surprisingly got dressed really fast. We made it downstairs right when everyone was getting in their cars. We put the club name in the GPS and was on our way.

When we got inside, surprisingly the club was live. I didn't know what to expect in Croatia, but damn it's wild in here.

Blake and I met up with the rest of the group in a booth.

T: HEY look who made it!

Taylor was slurring his words, we've barely been here and he was already semi drunk.

A: Hey T, what's up?

T: I'm good. But what's that?

He pointed at my neck. I completely forgot about the hickeys Blake left from earlier.

T: Holy fuck those are hickeys! You guys did it again?!

I just smiled and tried to walk away. He gently grabbed my arm pulling me back.

T: Hey, what do you guys know about your wedding?

A: Not much, we haven't got to talk about it.

T: Well hurry up I got some single friends that need some of your single friends. You know all of your friends are hot.

I looked at Taylor like he lost his damn mind.

A: Nigga Marieka is right there. Calm that shit down.

I turned to look for Blake. I saw him at the bar alone. I smiled and started making my way over to him. Before I could make it over some blonde bitch slid her bony ass into the seat I was about to take. I watched from a far to see what Blake would do before I decide to go over there. They talked and laughed. She would touch his shoulder and flash smiles at him. She grabbed a pen and a napkin. This bitch was about to give him her number. I walked over there and smacked Blake in the back of his head hard as shit. He turned around fast to see who it was.

A: You gonna call her later?

Hoe: Excuse me who are you?

A: If I were you I'd shut the fuck up and leave fast.

B: Azaana chill.

A: What the fuck do you mean chill. I just watched you get this ugly bitches number.

Hoe: Who the fuck do you think you are?

A: Didn't I tell you to leave?

She didn't say anything else but threw her drink at me. I snatched her by the throat since I'm working on not pulling hair anymore, I slammed her on the floor and started punching her. Blake tried pulling me off but surprisingly he couldn't. DJ and Taylor tried to help to but it wasn't working. Security came and split us up. I was still cussing her out while Blake picked me up and carried me outside.

B: Was that really fucking necessary?!

A: You're yelling at me when you saw that bitch throw a fucking drink at me?!

B: You started it!

A: No Blake, you fucking started it! You took that bitches number! You entertained that shit! You know she wanted you and you were gonna let it happen!

B: Now you know how I feel!

A: It's not the fucking same! I'm not giving niggas my number or taking any numbers! Fuck you Blake I'm leaving!

I got in the rental car and drove off. It's like all we ever do is fight and then make up with sex. I'm sick of this shit. This shit is annoying.

When I got back to the hotel I took a quick shower and went to bed. After about an hour Blake came in. I heard him get in the shower. Even though I was tired I couldn't sleep not knowing if he was here or not. When he was finished with his shower he slid in the bed behind me he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. I pretended like I was sleep. He started whispering in my ear.

B: I know I've been an asshole lately, and you probably are thinking about leaving me. But I can't lose you. You mean the world to me and you know that. I love you to my soul. I'm sorry for everything. Just please don't leave me.

I heard him sniffle and kiss my forehead. I turned around and faced him. I wiped away a tear.

A: I'm not gonna leave you baby. You've just been doing to damn much lately. You've been an asshole and all we've been doing is fighting. And you were mad at me for fighting her after she threw a damn drink at me which I don't get.

B: I know I've been an asshole and I'm just scared that you might leave me for someone better. And I don't know why I was mad at you. You should've whooped her ass.

A: Blake I'm not gonna leave you. Okay?

B: Good.

A: And next time I catch another bitch trying to give you her number I will fucking crush her.

Blake chuckled but I was dead ass serious.

B: And that's why I love you.

A: I love you too baby. Now take your flirty ass to sleep.

His smile faded and he gave me a stale look. I laughed and pecked his lips. I snuggled my head more into his chest fell to sleep fast.

I will crush a bitch.


I ain't like this one.

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