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Azaana's POV


I was yelling out the window to Blake's backyard. He was on the basketball court shooting around the key. It was getting dark outside anyways so it was time for him to come in. Lately me and Blake have been extra lovey dovey. We're kind of back in our cupcake phase, but I like it. We give each other pet names, take all types of pictures together, and we're always together. it's crazy how we've been through so much shit together, but we never lost love for each other. We're kind of like love sick teenagers.

Blake came running up the stairs and grabbed me by my legs. He spread them and stood in between them. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, to my nose, to my cheek, to my lips, and to my neck. I giggled and played with his curls.

A: You're all sweaty!

B: You like it.

No Blake, no. He continued to kiss my neck and nibble at the skin.

A: What's all this for?

B: You said you wanted some lovin'.

He whispered on my neck, giving me chills. Blake had this way of making his kisses like our first kiss. Bliss, lustful, sexy, passionate, sweet all at once. He had a way of making me fall in love with him more and more every day. He's perfect in every way. I fell in love with his humor, the way he speaks his mind, the way he's not afraid to show affection, and how I could tell him everything and not feel ashamed or judged. His body, his chiseled abs, his jawline, his nose, lips, eyes, freckles, everything! I loved about him. He's everything I ever wanted. He's a dream.

I couldn't help but stare at him while he put little wet kisses all over my body. I looked down at him with a smile on my face as he kissed my flat stomach. He glanced up at me and smiled. God his smile is a killer.

B: What you smilin about?

A: I'm just so thankful for you baby. I love you so much.

He climbed back up on top of me, then stood up. He picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist, then sat on the bed with me on his lap facing him. He moved a strand of hair out of my face. He stared me in the eyes and smirked.

B: One day.

A: What?

B: One day, you'll have my last name.

I smiled big and pecked his lips. He laid down and I started repeating what he did to me, to him. When I reached his neck, his phone rang. Blake groaned and I nodded for the ok to answer it. While he was on the phone I got up and went downstairs to start dinner. Spaghetti was sounding good, so I pulled out the supplies. When I was about to fill up the pot with water, Blake came running downstairs with a worried look on his face.

B: Babe! Go upstairs in my room and locked the door. Don't open it until I tell you. Go!

A: Wait wha-

B: Go!

I ran upstairs and followed Blake's instructions. I sat on the bed while my leg was shaking. I was scared and confused. I had no idea what was going on. I heard a loud noise sounding like.. a gun shot. I couldn't take it anymore I grabbed Blake's baseball bat and went downstairs. I saw Blake and some guy wrestling with a gun in their hands. I looked closer and saw the guy was Vin.

A: What the fuck is going on?!

Blake and Vin stopped and looked at me. I walked over to the both of them. I snatched the gun out of Vin and Blake's hand.

A: Both of you sit down!

They sat down on the couch while I still had the gun in my hand. I was disgusted with Vin. Now it's getting creepy and stalkerish.

A: Vin! What the hell is wrong with you! Can't you see that I'm happy with Blake?! Did you think killing him would make me love you?! I don't love you! I never will love you again! You are now becoming a fucking stalker and I should call the cops on your bitch ass. Or better yet fucking shoot you in between the eyes! Why can't you move on?! Find someone else and stop obsessing over me! Get some help! a You have ten seconds to get the hell out and leave me alone forever or I'm calling the cops!

Vin got up fast and ran out the door. I through the gun on the table and sat back on the couch. I slowly breathed in and out. Blake got up and walked over to me. I started to feel tears stream down my face from frustration. He pulled me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head.

A: I'd understand if you didn't want to be with me.

B: Don't say that, I still want to be with you.

A: I almost got you killed, because of a crazy ass ex! I get it if you don't want to stay with me!

B: What did I say? One day you'll have my last name. That still hasn't changed. I'd kill for you.

A: How are you still calm about this?!

B: This isn't even close to as bad I've went through.

A: Well what was the worse?

B: Your suicide attempt.

A: But that was me hurting myself not you.

B: You're a part of me that I can't lose. When someone hurts you it's like hurting me. So if you would've died a part of me would've died to. You're the part of me that I need more than anything. I can't live without you babe.


There's a part 2 to this chapter too.

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