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Azaana's POV

Blake and I were on our way to the game. Of course like always the car ride was silent, so Blake could get focused. I for one hate silence so I brought some headphones to listen to music. No radio allowed either, "it's a distraction" he always says.

While we were waiting at a stop sign I got a text.

?: I'll see you tonight?😏😍

I'm guessing it's Klay. I'm still sticking to the plan. Just to piss him off I responded.

A: Um who is this??? You sound like a creep. Hop off my line.

I smirked when I pressed send. He text me back instantly, but I didn't bother to see what he said.

Blake and I entered the arena hand in hand. As always the paps snapping pictures of us. Yelling out rumors or things they heard. I'd smile and wave, Blake would keep walking. Same ole same ole.

When we got to the outside of the locker rooms, Blake and I parted our separate ways. I walked to the seats where all the other wives and girlfriends were. This time we were front row, court side seats. Klay better not try shit or he'll get his ass embarrassed. Gloria sat next to me.

G: What's up girl!

A: Hey what's up?!

G: Ready for this game that's all.

A: Same here.

G: I know you ready for Klay to say some bullshit.

A: Shiit if he say something I'm gonna snap my fingers and shoo him away.

G: I see your on your queen shit today!

A: Haha when am I not?

G: Girl I love your attitude. That's why Blake so wrapped around your damn finger.

A: He's not wrapped around my finger. We're just on the same page.

G: Mm ok. But you know how Blake is when it comes to you. Anybody say, do, or even breathe around you the way he doesn't like, it's a war.

A: I know! Isn't it sexy?

G: Of course! Why you think I'm with Matt's crazy ass?!

We both laughed hard. Before we could say anything else, the boys were about to come out. Since it was a home game the Warriors would be called out first. I didn't pay attention. Maybe because I honestly didn't care. While I was picking at my nails Gloria tapped me. I turned and looked at her confused. She was pointing at Klay. I looked up and he bit his lip then did a little smirk. I laughed and scratched my forehead with my middle finger. Then I mouthed "fuck you". I could see him chuckle silently. I wasn't kidding. Gloria was laughing the whole time.

G: You got hoes.

A: These hoes ain't loyal.


The game was finally going to start. DJ was going to jump for tip off. Klay's stupid ass decided to stand right in front of me. So of course Blake stood over by him. Can we not do this during a game?

Blake's POV

I saw Klay go stand in front of Azaana. Of course I went and stood right next to him.

K: You know I'm gonna still your girl right?

B: You know I'll crack your skull right?

He chuckled.

K: We'll see about that Griffin.

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