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Azaana's POV

1 Month Later.

Another doctors appointment today. My little belly bump is starting to come in. Blake and I are thinking about telling the world some time this week. A lot of questions have been asked about why I've gained weight. Rumors about me being pregnant have spread too. The rumors are true, but confirmation hasn't happened yet. Paparazzi even say that the baby isn't Blake's. They could be such pigs. I won't have my child in the media. I won't let paparazzi touch, see, speak, or even smell my damn kid. We made Brynn promise not to say anything about me being pregnant. Even though she's the biggest bitch she understands not wanting her children in the media.

I was in the bathroom getting ready, when Blake walked in.

B: Baby mama can you hurry up?
A: Don't rush me baby daddy.

We've been calling each other that a lot lately.

B: We have 20 minutes babe.
A: Ok, chill bro.
B: Bro?
A: Bro.
B: Babe just please hurry up.
A: Ok fine! I'm done!
B: Chill bro.

I gave him a death glare. He put his hands up in defeat and grabbed his keys.

Blake's POV

We walk in the doors of the hospital. We sit in the waiting room. The doctor calls our name and we go in.

D: So how have you been feeling?
B: Oh I'm great.
D: No offense sir but I was talking to Mrs. Sands.
The doctor said laughing.
A: I've been great. I hope my baby is too.
D: I'm sure he or she is.

The Doctor started to put the blue cold stuff on Azaana's stomach. The ultrasound showed up on the screen. He pointed out the baby's development. I smiled staring into the screen. Lets pray it's a little girl. AnJelica Austin Griffin. You better believe she's gonna have my middle name. Azaana keeps saying she wants a boy, but I want to spoil my little girl and I can't wait to have one. She will most defiantly be a daddy's girl.

After the appointment Azaana and I went straight home. I sat on the couch with her in my lap. I kept my hands on her stomach. My little girl is in there.

Azaana's POV

3 Months Later.

It's crazy how much bigger I've gotten and it's only been three months. What if I have twins? The struggle it will be. The moody pregnant thing is kicking in too. I caught myself crying this morning for no reason at all. Then, soon after I was so pissed off at Blake for having too much juice in my cup. That's probably why he isn't in here. Every since I found out I was pregnant Blake was always checking on me. Now that I'm moody and angry he disappears. I hate being moody, I say things I don't mean and I can't control it. It's so damn irritating.

After Blake and I told the world about our baby a lot of people have took it well. Blake's fans have been so supportive, I love them all so much. They give me a lot of respect as do I. I have gotten a lot of stress lately and I hardly relax. Blake tells me to slow down, but I can't. I hope it doesn't affect the baby.

I heard Blake doing something down the stairs. I got up and walked down there. I started feeling dizzy as I was walking. Suddenly I fell down the stairs hitting my head knocking me out cold. Shit..

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