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Blake's POV:

It's been exactly one month since I've spoken to Azaana. I miss her so much. There isn't a day tha goes by without me thinking about her. I hardly talk to anyone anymore. All I do is play basketball and stare out of my window day dreaming. It's like my life is so boring without her in it. I never want to go out to clubs or anyhting unless I absolutely have to. When I do go girls are always trying to talk to me, but i don't even feel ready for someone else. DJ says that I should move on, but I'm so used to having Azaana in my life that, I feel lost without her. I guess you could say I'm depressed. Who would've thought, me of all people, would be depressed about a girl. She's more tha some girl to me. She's my everything, she's all I ever wanted, so without her it's like I lost everything.

I started drinking away the pain more often. When I started this, I would drunk call Azaana and leave voicemails since she would never answer. Part of me wishes she would and the other part is glad she doesn't. I don't ever remember what I say to her. It's probably me spilling my feelings. I drink to hopefully stop thinking about her, but I always fail. Maybe I shouldput this drink down then. It's not like I have an addiction. It just covers up the pain, it covers my addiction of loving her. I need to talk to her. I can't bare this pain not seeing or speaking to her.

I grabbed my keys and was headed to her house. I felt a little tipsy while driving. I was swerving back and forth but I can make it. I pulled up into her driveway and sat there thinking of what I'm going to say. I figure it out and walk to her front door. I hesitate before knocking, then build up the courage to do so. A few seconds later, she opens the door looking down.

B: Hi...

She looks up in shock realizing who's voice it is. She looks happy but sad to see me.

A: Hey..

B: Can we talk?

A: No.

B: Why not?

A: Because we aren't friends.

B: I miss you.

A: That's great.

She said sounding sarcastic.

B: You don't have to be a bitch.

A: Excuse me?!

B: You don't need to be a bitch about it. I love you still. I just want to talk.

A: I don't. I meant what I said. I don't want to see you anymore. I meant every little detail.

B: Even the part where you'll always love me?

She was quiet. I didn't mean to call her a bitch, but when I drink I'm more honest.

A: Blake, just, leave please?

B: No. Not till we talk.

A: What do you want to talk about?! There isn't anything to talk about!

B: Us! I want to talk about us!

A: There is no us.

She was right, we aren't together. We aren't friends. But I want there to be an us again. I want her. I need her. I have to do it. I pulled her close by her waist, I ran my fingers through her hair. I brushed my lips against hers, then crashed my lips onto hers. She rejected at first, but kissed back. She pulled me more into her if that was even possible. She ran her fingers through my hair and gripped my shirt. I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my waist. I took her inside closing the door behind me. I carried her all the way upstairs to her bedroom. I laid her down on her bed. Taking off pieces of clothing one by one. Kissing at her neck, biting my lip, loud moans, it's like it's a dream.

B: Will you forgive me?

I whisper into her ear.

A: Of course baby.

She whispers back.

We both moan loudly in our climaxes. I roll over from the top of her. I cuddle her into my chest.

A: Your heart is beating fast haha.

B: That's because I'm with you.

I smile, I can feel her smiling too.

A: Blake?

B: Yeah?

A: I love you.

B: I love you too baby.... So does this mean we're together now?

A: Not yet. It just means... there's an us now.


I was listening to My Love by Sia while writing this. Y'all need to listen to it quick.

The Love We Never Lost (Blake Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now