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Azaana's POV:

"So young so damaged." I could hear whispers around me but my eyes weren't open. Am I dead? I hear a door open and close. The whispers stop, but I know someone is still in here. They sit down in a chair next to me. I hear sniffles then I feel someone grab my hand. I know by this touch that it's Blake. He kisses my hand softly and whispers.

B: I love you. Stay strong baby.

I wanna respond but I can't. I can't move my mouth or open my eyes. What's wrong with me? I hear more sniffles coming from Blake. I felt a tear drop on my hand. I must've really hurt him. I hear the door open and close again, but Blake was in the same position. I hear someone whisper.

"How is she?"

B: She's- um- she's still sleeping.

Sleep? That's what I'm doing? Then why can I hear everyone?

"My baby. I don't know why she would do anything like this."

This person sounds like my mother.

"Did she ever say anything to you?"

B: All I knew was that she was cutting but she stopped for a few months.

Everyone was silent. I can finally open my eyes now. When I open them I look over at Blake who's eyes are blood shot red and looks miserable. Then I look over at my mom who looks pale with red eyes. She calls the nurse in. He walks in with a smile.

N: Oh good you're awake. Well we pumped your stomach, so you should be fine.

I was relieved that I was fine, but somewhat not because now I have to answer a bunch of questions on why I try to do it.

N: But your friends and family want you to go to rehab.

I nod my head in agreement.

A: Can I have some water?

N: Of course.

The nurse leaves the room. My mom speaks breaking the silence.

M: I'll leave you two alone. But I'll send in people one by one. Blake if you don't want to leave then that's fine.

We both nod and she walks out the room. Blake turns back to me a puts on a fragile smile, but not the same as his usual.

B: How are you?

A: Um fine.

B: That's good.

A: How are you?

B: Not so good.

A: Oh well that's not good.

B: Yeah. So, was I the reason you did-

A: No. It was more than that. Way more than that.

B: Oh, I'm sorry for everything. And I really don't know that girl.

A: Can we talk about something else?

B: Like what?

A: Like where's the food?

I chuckle making Blake smile, but this time it was real.

A: Don't feel sorry for me baby.

I place my hand on the side of his face gently.

B: But I love you.

A: I love you too.

The door open and it was the nurse with my water and my dad aka coach. We talk for a long time he seems pretty beaten up on why I'm in here considering I'm a daddy's girl. In came my brother Sam. We talked for a while about a lot of stuff. I missed him I haven't seen him in a while. Next comes in my oldest brother Brent. Then my other brother Demare. I speak to a lot of friends and family with Blake still in the room. I honestly feel better talking to everyone. Blake said that Gail, Tommy, Taylor, and Marieka should be here tomorrow morning. I couldn't wait to see them they were like family of my own. But there will be a lot of red heads. I mean my mom, Blake, Gail, Taylor they'll have some type of red head party! But I love seeing them all have fun together. But that probably won't happen because of me. Blake and I started talking about when I was getting out of here and how for now on he's staying with me. Everything sounded good until a familiar face walked in. Vin was here. Oh shit.

B: Nope get out.

V: Let me talk to Azaana.

B: No.

V: Why not?

B: Because she doesn't want to speak to you.

Vin looked passed Blake to me.

V: Azaana?

A: It's fine.

B: What?

A: I'll talk to him.

B: Well I'm staying.

A: No Blake, just wait outside the door I'll call you if I need you.

B: Fine.

Blake kissed my forehead then my nose to my lips. Obviously showing Vin that I'm Blake's. Vin rolled his eyes when Blake walked passed him. We both were silent until he walked over and sat where Blake was. He held my hand and stared at it.

V: Why'd you do it?

A: That's non of your business.

V: Well the whole world knows you're in here.

A: I don't care anymore.

V: Well you cared what they said about you. Isn't that why you're in here?

A: Why are you here?

V: Because I care about you.

A: You shouldn't.

V: But I do. I still love you.

A: Well I don't.

V: Why don't you just run away with me?

A: Ha. Like that'll ever happen.

V: You'll come around.

A: No, I'll never come around for you.

V: I can see you changing.

A: What do you mean?

V: When I met you. You were innocent and fragile. Then you became sad and depressed. Now since you lived you're starting to be tough and standoffish. You're not the same girl I met a long time ago. You've changed.

A: I didn't change. I just learned how fucked up the world is. No one can be innocent or fragile anymore. Because when you are then the world is coming after you until you crack. So don't say I changed when I just learned from old mistakes.

V: So was I one of those old mistakes?

A: Yes.

V: Well you're gonna break Blake's heart and you know you are because did you not just hear what you said to me? A few months ago if I were to ask you that question it would've been a sweeter yes. I told you. You're changing.

A: I think it's time for you to leave.

V: Alright.

He stood up kissed my forehead and walked out. Maybe he was right. Maybe I am different. Blake walked in and asked what we talked about. I told him it was nothing important.

A: Well I'm tired. You should go home. I'll see you tomorrow?

B: Ok goodnight baby. I love you.

A: Love you too.

He kissed me one more time then left. Before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep.



Azaana's POV:

I'm officially done with rehab. I'm proud I guess. It's not that big of a deal. I really don't give a fuck about what the world has to say about me anymore. I don't give a fuck what anyone has to say about me anymore. We found out it was that bitch Naomi that was texting Blake. The next day I saw her in a night club. When I saw her I was already high on weed and drunk off of alcohol so I whooped her ass without a second thought. My "friends" say that I shouldn't smoke since I'm an athlete, but I can do whatever the hell I want. They aren't my real friends if they can't accept what I do. Blake says he's getting tired of me coming home late smelling like alcohol and weed. He can be tired of me if he wants. If he leaves I'm not gonna scream and cry. Hell I'll help him pack and open the door for him. Oh yeah did Blake lives with me now. I think he regrets it. Whatever. Fuck what he thinks. It's not like he really cares for me anyway.


This bitch is about to be crazy.

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