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Blake's POV

I was talking to some of the guys while still watching Azaana in the corner of my eye. Her and Chantell seem to really be hitting it off nicely. They look like they could be good friends. After my third drink I excused myself from the guys to go to the bathroom. I tried getting into the one downstairs but it was occupied, well it's been occupied all night. I went upstairs looking for the bathroom. I finally found an open one and used it. When I was finished doing my business I walked out and Chantell was standing in front of the door. I moved aside thinking she was going to use it next. Instead she grabbed my hand and led me to her bedroom which was right next door.

She closed the doors behind her and led me to her bed. She sat me down.

Chantell: I want you Blake.

B: Um-

Chantell: Don't you want me Blake?

She took off her shirt revealing her nude bra. Damn I did want her. But I need Azaana.

B: No.

I started standing up.

B: I need to find my fiancé.

I started walking away, but out of nowhere she grabbed my face and slipped her tongue in my mouth. She tasted like different types of alcohol. I don't know why I haven't pushed her off yet. Before I could someone called my name.

Please don't be who I think it is.

I turned my head to the door. It is who I think it is.

B: Oh my god.

She took off down the hallway. I pushed Chantell off and started after her.

B: Azaana! Wait!

I followed her down the stairs. But she was moving so damn fast. She stormed through the party and out the door slamming it. I kept following her and called her name again. This time she stopped.

B: Babe it's not what it lo-

She turned around and smacked the hell out of me. I grabbed my face and shut up.

A: How many times?!

I looked at her confused.

A: How many times do I have to catch you with another girl?!

B: It's not what it looks like!

A: Then what is it Blake? Please tell me the story that you made up in your head on your way out here! Because to me it looked like you were making out with a bitch with her shirt off in her fucking bedroom! You know what don't even tell me your story. Did you want her?

B: ..yes but I told h-

A: That's all I need.

She turned and started walking away. She stopped and looked at her left hand. I shook my head praying she doesn't take the ring off. She played with it and twisted it. Then, she finally left it alone.

A: I'll talk to you in a week.

I put my head down and sighed in relief. Thank god we aren't over. Gloria called out her name and told her she'd give her a ride home. Camryn went with them. Matt was going to ride with DJ and I. I watched them ride off. I didn't even wanna be here anymore. Chantell came outside. She put her hand on my shoulder. Just her touch pissed me off.

B: Don't fucking touch me.

She looked at me shocked. So did everyone else, but I didn't really care.

D: I think we should go.

You think? Matt, DJ, and I pilled into DJ's truck. I sat in the front seat and Matt sat in the back.

M: So what exactly happened?

B: I went upstairs to use the bathroom, when I was finished Chantell was standing in front of the door, she took me to her room and sat me down on her bed. She told me that she wanted me, then she took off her shirt. She asked me if I wanted her, and I did, but I told her no and got up about to walk out the door. Then she grabbed me and kissed me. I let it last too long and Z walked in on us.

D: Wait, why'd you let her take you to her bedroom in the first place? And why'd you let the kiss last so long.

B: I don't know man, I was a little drunk.

D: That's not an excuse. You always use that as an excuse. You let that happen. You know how Chantell is. You fucked up man. Everyone knows how lucky you are to have a women like Azaana, but you can't seem to understand that. You take her for granted. Now I know how much you love her, but you've been a little suspect from time to time. I know she's had guys go after her, the same way girls go after you, but she always had her eyes on you. Your eyes seem to wonder. You're supposed to get married to her. You're lucky she didn't take that damn ring off. Fix your fucking ways.

I was a little pissed that he said all of that, but he was right. It's not an excuse and I did fuck up. And I'm unbelievably lucky she didn't leave me. What the fuck is wrong with me.

B: What should I do?

M: Give her that week. When she's ready she'll talk to you. When she does talk to you remind her how much you love her and how lucky you are to have her.

I looked down. He was right. They were both right. But I still need to get clothes.

D: You can stay with me and Camryn until she's ready to talk to you. We'll stop by your house and get clothes for you. You stay in the car.

I put my head down again. DJ was obviously pissed at me. I don't blame him.

Azaana's POV

Once Camryn and Gloria pulled up to my house I didn't feel like talking about the situation so I just asked them to leave me be. I walked inside and just sat down for a minute. I'm proud that I didn't shed a tear. I stayed strong. I got up and went upstairs to the room. I took a quick shower and changed into comfy clothes. I went back downstairs and turned on the tv. I watched a scary movie and popped some popcorn. I poured a glass of wine. I haven't drank alcohol in a while, but tonight I needed it. I went on my pho e and saw a few text from Blake.

Blake: I'm sorry for everything that happened tonight, I'll wait. Whenever you're ready to talk ill be there.

Blake: DJ and Matt are coming to get some clothes for me.

Blake: I love you so damn much.

I rolled my eyes and locked my phone. Later DJ and Matt came in.

D: Hey we wa-

A: You know where his stuff is.

They both just walked upstairs. Moments go by and they come back down.

DJ: Take your time Z.

I nodded.

A: Wait.

I stopped them. I got up and walked outside.

A: Can you guys stay in here for a minute I have something to tell Blake in private.

They both nodded. I walked outside toward the car. Blake's eyes widened when he saw me approaching. He was about to get out the car, but I stopped him.

B: I'm so sorry.

I just took off the ring on my finger. I handed it to him.

B: No no no that's yours keep it.

He wouldn't take it so I just dropped it onto his lap and walked away. He got out the car and walked after me. DJ and Matt walked out and I closed the door behind them and locked it. Blake smacked the door one time then left. I'm just.... Tired.

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