It's a blast

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*Anna's POV*
I walked into this huge ice castle. I looked around stunned at how beautiful it was. Suddenly I saw Elsa in her stunning blue dress, her down in a braid. "Elsa, you look different. It's a good different." I said.

"Thank you." Elsa giggled.

"Elsa, you need to come back." I said.

"No Anna, I belong here. Away from everyone, including you." Elsa replied.

"Away from me?" I asked, my heart felt like it was breaking.

"Only because I don't want to hurt you." Elsa quickly said.

"But how would you hurt me?" I asked.

"Anna, it happened a long time ago." Elsa replied.

"Was it when we were close? When we were best buddies?" I asked.


"We can be like that again." I started.

"No, we can't." Elsa interrupted. Suddenly Olaf came running through the doors.

"Sixty!" Olaf screamed. I bent down so I could be closer to Olaf.

"He's just like when we were kids." I said.

"Yeah." Elsa said excitedly.

"Please Elsa, come back." I begged.

"I'm sorry." Elsa said.

"You don't have to protect me, I'm not afraid. Please don't shut me out again. Please don't slam the door. You don't have to keep your distance anymore. Cause for the first time in forever, I finally understand. For the first time in forever, we can fix this hand and hand. We can head down this mountain together, you don't have to live in fear. Cause for the first in forever, I will be right here." I said.

"Anna, please go back to BYA. Your life awaits. Go enjoy the sun and get good grades."

"Yeah but." I started.

"I know you mean well, but leave me be. Yes I'm alone, but I'm alone and free. Just stay away and you'll be safe from me." Elsa interrupted.

"Actually we're not." Eugene spoke.

"What do you mean you're not?" Elsa asked.

"I get the feeling you don't know." Rapunzel said.

"What do I not know?" Elsa questioned.

"BYA's in deep, deep, deep, deep snow." I said nervously.

"What?" Elsa asked.

"You kind of set off an eternal winter everywhere." I said.

"Everywhere?" Elsa asked. Suddenly it started snowing all around us.

"It's okay, you can just unfreeze it." Merida replied.

"No I can't, I...I don't know how!" Elsa yelled.

"I'm sure you can!" Rapunzel said.

"I know you can!" I added. Suddenly Jack ran into room. He looked around in awe.

"Jack?" Elsa asked.

"Elsa!" Jack said as he ran to go give her a hug. As he hug her, the snow stopped. Kristoff ran to go look out the window and saw that the snow was melting.

"Whatever you just did stopped the winter." Kristoff called. We looked and saw Olaf start melting.

"Oh Olaf! Hang on little guy!" Elsa said as she made him a little cloud.

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