Chapter 9

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They don't need to find out anything else about my kind!

I change into a hawk,fly through the sky light and land right in the middle of their little social circle. They gave me weird looks, but before they notice, I grab the book and take off with it.

"Hey! come back with that!" Lydia screams, throwing one of her high heels at me. It misses the first time, but the second one hit me right in the head making me drop the book and crash to the floor.

"Ha! Got 'em!" She laughs, but the rest of us face palm at the very very very very very old joke. Do you get me? As in old, as in please let it die. Please, just please kill it with fire....( I mean this as a person)

"What the hell kind of steroids is that bird on?!" Liam is breathing in and our real heavily meaning I must have scared the poor little baby. Oh well, I find it funny a bird just scared a werewolf.

"I dont know, but that's not a normal bird, I can tell you that." Mason says. I need that book and I will fight to get it before they figure there is more to my story than known. I must get the book.

"Well naw shit Mason." Liam scoffs, walking over to me. I shake my head and regain my feeting just as Scott walks into the library.

"What the hell happened in here?" He questioned looking around the room. "And where is Stiles? He came in here a minute ago, or more like ran off a minute ago." A confused look cross everyone's faces. They were probably letting the gears turn in their heads, because after the muddled expressions, they turned to me, the bird.

"Well a bird came in here and tried to take the book so I knocked it out the sky with a high heel and as for Stiles non of us have seen him but I think-" She walked over to me as a bird which had me panicking so I rush to get on top of a book shelf to avoid being touched by the banshee. "Stiles?" I caw at her meaning 'yes'.

"I think that mean yes." Malia points out the obvious to the other. Well no shit Chicka. Who else would it be?

"Stiles, why are you trying to get the book from us?" Like I'm going to tell you Lydia. It's the reason I'm trying to get the book from you. I might seem mean right now, yet it's my nature to be this way. I know what you're thinking. Mer-people are suppose to be kind and sweet, well let me be the first to tell you I'm not fully a merman. I have a dark part of me that isn't too pretty and I'm not talking about what happened no fru-fru shit. It's a secret dark side I have. If I were to lose control, I might kill all my friends so I have to get that book so they wont be afraid of me, so what I'm about to do is for their own sake and skin.

"He's not answering." Malia say, once again pointing out the obvious. Someone give her a metal. I think I want to give some words to make them give up the book.

"Give me the book." I demand in a deeper tone than normal. It actually managed to scare them all. "You can't know." I leaped downed onto a table and changed into Jaguar. I glared at them with the look of a rabid dog earning growls back at me. "Give it to me." They all got ready to pounce at me when Scott rushes in front of them, blocking them from attacking me. "Don't worry sweety, I can take care of myself. I promise I will only hurt them a little." I evilly laughed getting closer. At this point an evil had washed over me, making my body go totally vicious. Good luck trying to tame me.

"So it is Stiles." Congratulations once again Malia for point out the obvious to everyone. God, that's fûcking old.

"Who else she hulk." I growl, turning to look at her to see she had the book in her hands. A smile crossed my face as I started to go at her for my prize. "Looks like Miss. Obvious has what I'm looking for. I would ask you to bag it for me but after seeing you are out I'll just carry it out." I rush at her, but Scott catches me mid air and pins me to the ground.

"Stiles.Stop and turn back human right now." He growls and I giggle in return.

"Aw, come on puppy. I'm just having a little fun." I laughed, changing back to my good old human form. For a short little intermission, let me just explain why shapeshifting is a power my kind can have. Back int the good old days, sea creatures use to eat humans. We had to have a power we could use to hid our true selves while hunting.

"Stiles there is something wrong with you right now. We need to get you to Deaton." I think for a second then shake my head. No way am I going there I'm having to much fun!

"No! We are having fun here, babe!" I darkly chuckle, running a hand through his hair and placing it at the back of his head.

"Stiles,what has gotten into you?" He asks in a concerned emotion.

"A dark past, that's what." I tell him softly. His eyes widen and breath hicks.

"Dark past? Are you mentally sick?" Oh you are no where near close to the real answer my doll.

"No honey. Maybe I should sing and make things more clear to all of you." I coo in his ear.

"What?" My eyes turn black and I use all my strength to send him flying off of me and back to where everyone else stands.

"You'll see. When the night is near, It brings mans worst fear, but don't you threat, Evil hasn't come yet. Take my hand, and I'll show you the light, to hide my lover away from fright." Everyone in the room fell under my spell making me smirk on the inside. Now time to get that book. "A trance of love you cannot deny, sadly for you it's a lie. Because, Now you are trapped by my song, just know the pain will stop when your gone." I walked up to Malia and snag the book from her hands. Ah, sweet victory. To bad Brody wasn't here to enjoy this moment. He loves being bad to people. No matter.

I walked over to Scott and kissed his cheek.

"I love you. but you should have never fallen for a Sirenex. They are worse than a siren. Not that it will matter after tonight. Now hold still." I let my claws out and dig them into the back of Scott's neck. Time to finish this-

"No...don't Stiles... I love-." Scott states, struggling to stay out of my trance.
"To be pulled in by a sirens tongue, you're own demise you have brung. You get closer and closer, not able to understand, but when you do, you'll never -see anything -again." Scott groans in pain, but still wasn't under my spell fully. What the hell!? "I don't get it why do you keep trying to break through the spell!?" I shout.

"....Be....because I... l-love...." I narrow my eyes and let go of his neck, purely curious to know who he loves so much as to break my spell.

"Love who? Kira? Allison? You know if I kill you you'd be with Allison so why struggle?" He looks up to me with tears in his eye.

"I love you... Stiles Stilinski. I will always love you. Even if you do kill me, it won't change how I feel." I break my concentration from my spell as I feel a warm spot in my chest form. Jt the simple though. He loves me, a monster who was about to kill him. I drop down to the ground, and my eyes switch back to their natural color. What the hell was I just about to do?! I glance over at Scott and rush to sit him up into my arms.

"I'm sorry." I whimper then kiss his forehead.

"It's okay, it's okay, shhh." He pushes me off of him so he can switch it around to where I was being held by him. "I just love you too damn much to hate you." I smile.

"I love you too, but I guess now I need to explain everything to everyone." I sigh with defeat.

Friend From The Ocean (Sciles)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz