Chapter 13

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Stiles POV

The following day the whole pack met up at Lydia's lake house for training.
"Alright, let's put some kids into shape." Derek said happily, almost smiling. He's definitely about to hurt someone.
"Um, for the record, I'm not a kid sour wolf so I guess I'm not going first." I sassed back. Derek decide to grace us with his presence after hearing about what I was. I'm pretty sure he is just interested in trying to fight me to see what I can do. I'd whip his werewolf ass left and right but I also might go easy on him, for the fun of it.
"Don't worry egg head, I wasn't talking about you, I meant one of the newbies. That's the only reason I'm here." Sour wolf growled, throwing a rock at me, which I caught.
"Nice try, but no." He raised his eyebrows, impressed by my skill.
"Guy! I have something to say!" We turned to her and instantly paled seeing Lydia's angered look. "We would be at my house right now but it's still being fixed from that little incident we had. Don't mess up this home, I don't feel like going to stay at my grandmas. Her her house is way to big. If you do mess up my home, I'll mess you up." Lydia cooed, taking a seat on her patio chair. I laughed at my former crush and took a seat of my own.
"We won't, right guys?" I ask, getting a thumbs up from everyone. "See, now who's going first?" Liam and Mason raised their hands then got up as quickly as possible.
"Mason, you don't have powers." Malia pointed out. Dang, she beat both me and Scott to it.
"True but Kira's mom has been teaching me self defense and even gave me this." He pulled a retractable bow staff out of his jacket which truly surprised all of us. Just as they were beginning I got a call and stepped away to answer.
I looked at the caller ID to see it was my brother. I clicked the green button and help up the phone to my ear. The voice on the other end was hyperventilating and sounded like they were about to die.
"Bro, I think I just did something wrong!"
"Woah! Calm down there t happened?"
"Um, I kill someone." My eyes widened in shock.
"YOU DID WHAT!?" Scott rushed in with the same face as me, meaning he heard what was said.
"You heard me!"
"What happened?"
"I'll tell you in person, be right there!" The line went dead and In no more that a minute my brother was standing there, with tears in his eyes.
"Aberdeen, he made me do it." Scott was confused on who this was until he reached back to the day he fought Brody.
"You're extra personally?" We both nodded.
"There is also another problem." He sniffed, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Um, and that is..."
"People, and I mean all of humanity, are about to find out about our kind all because I didn't stop this guy before he gave a bunch of information about you to a government lab." Right then and there my body stopped functioning and mind stuck to those words.
"My god, who was the guy?" Scott queried.
"You're schools night guard. Mr.Hochman." Brody dropped his head in disappointment. I'm sure he's upset about doing all of this but I could tell there was something else.
"Brody, there is something else isn't there?" He nodded.
"My tail hasn't turned black yet, so I don't know if he is actually dead." Shit, that's bad news. I feel bad for this guy and all but if he talks, he'll say we're aggressive.
"That's even worse. We have to find him before he can say a word." Scott looked at me with a frown plastered on his face.
"What are you going to do when you find him?" I hugged Scott around the neck to avoid him seeing the tears in my eye.
"I'm going to do what I was made to do. I didn't get my black tail naturally. I'm a natural born killer. I killed Allison and the kimera kid but I also killed another person. I killed mom, my real mom." He stiffened.
"W-why did you kill your mom?" I stuffed my face into his neck to avoid him pulling away. He knew what I was doing and just hugged me tighter.
"She was dying and I had to end her pain. My grandma stabbed her, and she managed to swim to shore and call to us to say her goodbyes, but I noticed something. She wasn't dying that day, she was injected with box jellyfish poison, which takes days to kill us. She looked to Brody to kill her but I pushed him away and did it instead." Scott kissed my forehead and ran a hand through my hair.
"You don't have to kill him, I have a better way of approaching this. I'm just going to turn him into a wolf instead." I pulled away from his body and gave a blank look.
"You'd do that for me?" I asked and he nodded.
"Of course, I'd do anything for you babe." I latched my lips to his and closed my eyes. I love him with all my heart. You just don't understand.
"Excuse me, but I'm still here." Brody laugh. We pulled away, Blushing crimson red. I kinda forgot I had a brother for a minute there. Oops.
"Sorry about that." Scott laughed.
"We need to find that man." I pointed out, trying for things to not get awkward.
"I suggest my wolf boy here use his sniffer to find him." Brody smiled and shook his head.
"I got something better than a werewolf." As soon as I realized what and who he was talking about I hear Derek growl and a loud hiss from outside.
"Shit." We all said in unison, running out to see Derek and Taylor fighting. From the looks of things Taylor was winning by a long shot. Derek's alway getting his ass kicked so it doesn't surprise me.
"Derek, you aren't Superman! You can't beat him!" Brody called out, running over to stop this nonsense. He grabbed Taylor but Derek was still coming so I ran over, grabbed him by the neck and slammed him onto the group.
"STOP'!" His eyes widened, surprised at my actions. However, he shook it off and calmed down enough to talk.
"Sorry, I have a bad history with vampires." He got up and smiled at me.
"Nice strength by the way." Derek then walked up to Brody and held out his hand, still smiling.
"Nice to see you again Brody Baxter, or should I say Brody Stilinski." They shook hands and laughed, but Taylor looked like he was ready to attack him again.
"Same to you but I didn't come here to catch up, I'm on a man hunt and I needed my brother and his packs help." Derek knitted his eyebrows in confusion.
"What could be that bad..."

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